
Classes for the population size batch criteria.

See Population Size for usage documentation.

  • PopulationSize: A univariate range of swarm sizes used to define batch experiments.

class sierra.plugins.platform.argos.variables.population_size.PopulationSize(cli_arg: str, main_config: Dict[str, Any], batch_input_root: Path, size_list: List[int])[source]

A univariate range of swarm sizes used to define batch experiments.

This class is a base class which should (almost) never be used on its own. Instead, the factory() function should be used to dynamically create derived classes expressing the user’s desired size distribution.

Note: Usage of this class assumes homogeneous swarms.


List of integer swarm sizes defining the range of the variable for the batch experiment.


Inheritance diagram of PopulationSize
__doc__ = "A univariate range of swarm sizes used to define batch experiments.\n\n    This class is a base class which should (almost) never be used on its\n    own. Instead, the ``factory()`` function should be used to dynamically\n    create derived classes expressing the user's desired size distribution.\n\n    Note: Usage of this class assumes homogeneous swarms.\n\n    Attributes:\n\n        size_list: List of integer swarm sizes defining the range of the\n                   variable for the batch experiment.\n\n    "
__init__(cli_arg: str, main_config: Dict[str, Any], batch_input_root: Path, size_list: List[int]) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.plugins.platform.argos.variables.population_size'
gen_attr_changelist() List[AttrChangeSet][source]

Generate list of sets of changes for swarm sizes to define a batch experiment.

static gen_attr_changelist_from_list(sizes: List[int]) List[AttrChangeSet][source]
gen_exp_names(cmdopts: Dict[str, Any]) List[str][source]

Generate list of experiment names from the criteria.

Used for creating unique directory names for each experiment in the batch.


List of experiments names for current experiment.

n_robots(exp_num: int) int[source]