
Classes for the constant population density batch criteria.

See Constant Population Density for usage documentation.

class sierra.plugins.platform.argos.variables.population_constant_density.PopulationConstantDensity(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Defines XML changes for maintain population density across arena sizes.

This class is a base class which should (almost) never be used on its own. Instead, the factory() function should be used to dynamically create derived classes expressing the user’s desired density.

Does not change the # blocks/block manifest.


Inheritance diagram of PopulationConstantDensity
__doc__ = "Defines XML changes for maintain population density across arena sizes.\n\n    This class is a base class which should (almost) never be used on its\n    own. Instead, the ``factory()`` function should be used to dynamically\n    create derived classes expressing the user's desired density.\n\n    Does not change the # blocks/block manifest.\n\n    "
__init__(*args, **kwargs) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.plugins.platform.argos.variables.population_constant_density'
gen_attr_changelist() List[AttrChangeSet][source]

Generate XML modifications to to maintain constant population density.

Robots are approximated as point masses.

gen_exp_names(cmdopts: Dict[str, Any]) List[str][source]

Generate list of experiment names from the criteria.

Used for creating unique directory names for each experiment in the batch.


List of experiments names for current experiment.

graph_xlabel(cmdopts: Dict[str, Any]) str[source]
graph_xticklabels(cmdopts: Dict[str, Any], exp_names: Optional[List[str]] = None) List[str][source]
graph_xticks(cmdopts: Dict[str, Any], exp_names: Optional[List[str]] = None) List[float][source]
n_robots(exp_num: int) int[source]