Creating a New Storage Plugin

For the purposes of this tutorial, I will assume you are creating a new storage Plugin infinite, and the code for that plugin lives in $HOME/git/plugins/storage/infinite.

Create the Code

  1. Create the following filesystem structure in $HOME/git/plugins/storage/infinite:

    Within this file, you must define the following classes, which must be named EXACTLY as specified, otherwise SIERRA will not detect them.

    import pandas as pd
    import pathlib
    def df_read(path: pathlib.Path, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Return a dataframe containing the contents of the CSV at the
        specified path. For other storage methods (e.g. database), you can
        use a function of the path way to uniquely identify the file in the
        database (for example).
    def df_write(df: pd.DataFrame, path: pathlib.Path, **kwargs) -> None:
        Write a dataframe containing to the specified path. For other
        storage methods (e.g. database), you can use a function of the path
        way to uniquely identify the file in the database (for example) when
        you add it.

Connect to SIERRA

  1. Put $HOME/git/plugins on your SIERRA_PLUGIN_PATH. Then your plugin can be selected as --exec-env=storage.infinite.


Storage plugin names have the same constraints as python package names (e.g., no dots).