Graph Configuration

This page has the following sections:

  • How to create a new Graph Category

  • How to define a new graph within a Graph Category to generate from Experimental Run outputs.

  • How to “activate” the new graph so that it will be generated from experimental run outputs where applicable.

  • How to generate additional graphs during stage 4 beyond those possible with the SIERRA core.

Create A New Graph Category

Add a root level dictionary to one of the following YAML configuration files:

  • <project>/config/intra-graphs-line.yaml for intra-experiment line graphs. Dictionaries must start with LN_.

  • <project>/config/intra-graphs-hm.yaml for intra-experiment heatmaps. Dictionaries must start with HM_.

  • <project>/config/inter-graphs-line.yaml for inter-experiment line graphs. Dictionaries must start with LN_.

  • <project>/config/inter-graphs-hm.yaml for inter-experiment heatmaps. Dictionaries must start with HM_.

An example intra-graphs-line.yaml, defining two categories of linegraphs:

    - ...
    - ...
    - ...

    - ...
    - ...
    - ...

intra-graphs-hm.yaml and inter-graphs-line.yaml have identical structures.


The graphs dictionary must be at the root of all .yaml files containing graph configuration.


Because SIERRA tells matplotlib to use LaTeX internally to generate graph labels, titles, etc., the standard LaTeX character restrictions within strings apply to all fields (e.g., ‘#’ is illegal but ‘#’ is OK).

Add A New Intra-Experiment Graph To An Existing Category

There are two types of intra-experiment graphs: linegraphs and heatmaps, and each has their own config file (details of each is below).


Linegraphs are appropriate if:

  • The data you want to graph can be represented by a line (i.e. is one dimensional in some way).

  • The data you want to graph can be obtained from a single .csv file (multiple columns in the same CSV file can be graphed simultaneously).


Unless stated otherwise, all keys are mandatory.

  # The filename (no path) of the CSV within the experimental run output
  # directory for an experimental run, sans the CSV extension.
  - src_stem: 'foo'

  # The filename (no path) of the graph to be generated
  # (extension/image type is determined elsewhere). This allows for multiple
  # graphs to be generated from the same CSV file by plotting different
  # combinations of columns.
  - dest_stem: 'bar'

  # List of names of columns within the source CSV that should be
  # included on the plot. Must match EXACTLY (i.e. no fuzzy matching). Can be
  # omitted to plot all columns within the CSV.
  - cols:
      - 'col1'
      - 'col2'
      - 'col3'
      - '...'

  # The title the graph should have. LaTeX syntax is supported (uses
  # matplotlib after all). Optional.
  - title: 'My Title'

  # List of names of the plotted lines within the graph. Can be
  # omitted to set the legend for each column to the name of the column
  # in the CSV.
  - legend:
      - 'Column 1'
      - 'Column 2'
      - 'Column 3'
      - '...'

  # The label of the X-axis of the graph. Optional.
  - xlabel: 'X'

  # The label of the Y-axis of the graph. Optional.
  - ylabel: 'Y'


Heatmaps are appropriate if:

  • The data you want to graph is two dimensional (e.g. a spatial representation of the arena is some way).


Unless stated otherwise, all keys are mandatory.

  # The filename (no path) of the CSV within the output directory
  # for an experimental run to look for the column(s) to plot, sans the CSV
  # extension.
  - src_stem: 'fooCSV'

  # The title the graph should have. LaTeX syntax is supported (uses
  # matplotlib after all). Optional.
  - title: 'My Title'

  # The type of interpolation to use. Defaults to 'nearest' if omitted.
  - interpolation: 'nearest'

  # The Z colorbar label to use. Optional.
  - zlabel: 'My colorbar label'

How to Add A New Inter-Experiment Graph


Inter-experiment linegraphs are appropriate if:

  • The data you want to graph can be represented by a line (i.e. is one dimensional in some way).

  • The data you want to graph can be obtained from a single column from a single CSV file.

  • The data you want to graph requires comparison between multiple experiments in a batch.


See same as intra-experiment linegraphs, EXCEPT:

Each inter-experiment linegraph has an additional optional boolean field summary which determines if the generated graph is a SummaryLineGraph or a StackedLineGraph (default if omitted).


Inter-experiment heatmaps are appropriate if:

  • You are using bivariate batch criteria.

  • The data you want to graph can be represented by a line (i.e. is one dimensional in some way).

  • The data you want to graph can be obtained from a single column from a single CSV file.

  • The data you want to graph requires comparison between multiple experiments in a batch.

New in version 1.2.20.


Same as intra-experiment heatmaps.

How to Activate New Graph Category

If you added a new Graph Category, it will not automatically be used to generate graphs for existing or new controllers. You will need to modify the <project>/config/controllers.yaml file to specify which controllers your new category of graphs should be generated for. See Main Configuration for details.