SIERRA Usage By Example

This page contains reference examples of SIERRA usage to help you craft your own SIERRA invocation. These examples use the SIERRA project plugins from the SIERRA sample project repo: See Trying Out SIERRA or Getting Started With SIERRA for setting up the sample project repository.

In all examples:

  • $HOME/git/mycode contains the ARGoS C++ library

  • $HOME/git/sierra-sample-project/projects contains the SIERRA project plugin

  • $HOME/git/sierra-sample-project/projects is on SIERRA_PLUGIN_PATH.

If your setup is different, adjust paths in the commands below as needed.


The examples are grouped by platform, so they can be pasted into the terminal and executed directly. However, parts of many commands use common functionality in the SIERRA core; just because you don’t see stage5 examples for the ROS1+Gazebo platform doesn’t mean you can’t run stage5 with that platform. Non-uniformities in which commands are below are more a limitation of the sample project than SIERRA itself.

ARGoS Examples

Basic Example

This example illustrates the simplest way to use ARGoS with SIERRA to run experiments.

sierra-cli \
--sierra-root=$HOME/exp \
--template-input-file=exp/your-experiment.argos \
--n-runs=3 \
--project=argos_project \
--exec-env=hpc.local \
--physics-n-engines=1 \
--exp-setup=exp_setup.T10000 \
--scenario=LowBlockCount.10x10x2 \
--batch-criteria population_size.Log64

This will run a batch of 7 experiments using a correlated random walk robot controller (CRW), across which the swarm size will be varied from 1..64, by powers of 2. Experiments will all be run in the same scenario: LowBlockCount in a 10x10x2 arena; the meaning of LowBlockCount is entirely up to the project. In this case, we can infer it has to do with the # of blocks available for robots to forage for. In fact, whatever is passed to --scenario is totally arbitrary from SIERRA’s point of view.

Within each experiment, 3 copies of each simulation will be run (each with different random seeds), for a total of 21 ARGoS simulations. On a reasonable machine it should take about 10 minutes or so to run. After it finishes, you can go to $HOME/exp and find all the simulation outputs. For an explanation of SIERRA’s runtime directory tree, see SIERRA Runtime Directory Tree.

HPC Example

In order to run on a SLURM managed cluster, you need to invoke SIERRA within a script submitted with sbatch, or via srun with the correspond cmdline options set.

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes 10
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=6
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2G
#SBATCH --output=R-%x.%j.out
#SBATCH --error=R-%x.%j.err
#SBATCH -J argos-slurm-example

# setup environment
export ARGOS_PLUGIN_PATH=$ARGOS_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/argos3:$HOME/git/mycode
export SIERRA_PLUGIN_PATH=$HOME/git/sierra-projects

sierra-cli \
--sierra-root=$HOME/exp \
--template-input-file=exp/your-experiment.argos \
--n-runs=96 \
--project=argos_project \
--exec-env=hpc.slurm \
--exp-setup=exp_setup.T10000 \
--controller=foraging.footbot_foraging \
--scenario=LowBlockCount.10x10x2 \
--batch-criteria population_size.Log64

In this example, the user requests 10 nodes with 24 cores each, and wants to run ARGoS with 4 physics engines ( 4 * 6 = 24), with 8GB memory per core. Note that we don’t pass --physics-n-engines – SIERRA computes this from the SLURM parameters. SIERRA will run each of the 96 simulations per experiment in parallel, 6 at a time on each allocated node. Each simulation will be 10,000 seconds long and use LowBlockCount scenario in a 10x10x2 arena, as in the previous example.


You need to export PARALLEL containing all necessary environment variables your code uses in addition to those needed by SIERRA before invoking it, otherwise some of them might not be transferred to the SLURM job and/or the new shell GNU parallel starts each simulation in.

Note that if you compile ARGoS for different architectures within the same HPC environment, you can use a combination of conditionally setting ARGOS_PLUGIN_PATH with setting SIERRA_ARCH to some string to tell SIERRA to use a given version of ARGoS, depending on where you request resources from. For example, you could set SIERRA_ARCH=x86 or SIERRA_ARCH=arm to link to an argos3-x86 or argos3-arm executable and libraries, respectively.

Rendering Example

This example shows how to use ARGoS image capturing ability to create nice videos of simulations.

sierra-cli \
--sierra-root=$HOME/exp \
--template-input-file=exp/your-experiment.argos \
--project=argos_project \
--controller=foraging.footbot_foraging \
--scenario=LowBlockCount.10x10x2 \
--exec-env=hpc.local \
--n-runs=3 \
--platform-vc \
--exp-graphs=none \
--physics-n-engines=1 \
--batch-criteria population_size.Log8

The runs 3 simulations in parallel with 1 physics engine each, and runs ARGoS under Xvfb to get it to render headless images. During stage 4, these images are stitched together using ffmpeg to create videos (see SIERRA Runtime Directory Tree for where the videos will appear). No graphs are generated during stage 4 in this example.

You may also be interested in the --camera-config option, which allows you to specify different static/dynamic camera arrangements (e.g., do a nice circular pan around the arena during simulation).


Because LOTS of images can be captured by ARGoS to create videos, depending on simulation length, you usually want to have a very small --n-runs to avoid filling up the filesystem.

Bivariate Batch Criteria Example

This example shows how to use ARGoS with a bivariate batch criteria (i.e., with TWO variables/things you want to vary jointly):


sierra-cli –sierra-root=$HOME/exp –template-input-file=exp/your-experiment.argos –platform=platform.argos–project=argos_project –controller=foraging.footbot_foraging –scenario=LowBlockCount.10x10x2 –exec-env=hpc.local –n-runs=3 –platform-vc –exp-graphs=none –physics-n-engines=1 –batch-criteria population_size.Log8 max_speed.1.9.C5

The max_speed.1.9.C5 is a batch criteria defined in the sample project, and corresponds to setting the maximum robot speed from 1…9 to make 5 experiments; i.e., 1,3,5,7,9. It can also be used on its own–just remove the first population_size batch criteria from the command to get a univariate example.

The generated experiments form a grid: population size on the X axis and max speed on the Y, for a total of 3 * 5 = 15 experiments. If the order of the batch criteria is switched, then so is which criteria/variable is on the X/Y axis. Experiments are run in sequence just as with univariate batch criteria. During stage 3/4, by default SIERRA generates discrete a set of heatmaps, one per capture interval of simulated time, because the experiment space is 2D instead of 1D, and you can’t easily represent time AND two variables + time on a plot. This can take a loooonnnggg time, and can be disabled with --project-no-HM.

The generated sequence of heatmaps can be turned into a video–pass --bc-rendering during stage 4 to do so.

Stage 5 Scenario Comparison Example

This example shows how to run stage 5 to compare a single controller across different scenarios, assuming that stages 1-4 have been run successfully. Note that this stage does not require you to input the --scenario, or the --batch-criteria; SIERRA figures these out for you from the --controller and --sierra-root.

sierra-cli \
--sierra-root=$HOME/exp \
--project=argos_project \
--pipeline 5 \
--scenario-comparison \
--dist-stats=conf95 \
--bc-univar \
--controller=foraging.footbot_foraging \

This will compare all scenarios that the foraging.footbot_foraging controller has been run on according to the configuration defined in stage5.yaml. SIERRA will plot the 95% confidence intervals on all generated graphs for the univariate batch criteria (whatever it was). If multiple batch criterias were used with this controller in the same scenario, SIERRA will process all of them and generate unique graphs for each scenario+criteria combination that the foraging.footbot_foraging controller was run on.

Stage 5 Controller Comparison Example

This example shows how to run stage 5 to compare multiple controllers in a single scenario, assuming that stages 1-4 have been run successfully. Note that this stage does not require you to input --batch-criteria; SIERRA figures these out for you from the --controller-list and --sierra-root.

sierra-cli \
--sierra-root=$HOME/exp \
--project=argos_project \
--pipeline 5 \
--controller-comparison \
--dist-stats=conf95 \
--bc-univar \
--controllers-list=foraging.footbot_foraging,foraging.footbot_foraging-slow \

SIERRA will compute the list of scenarios that the foraging.footbot_foraging and the foraging.footbot_foraging_slow controllers have all been run. Comparison graphs for each scenario with the foraging.footbot_foraging,foraging.footbot_foraging_slow controllers will be generated according to the configuration defined in stage5.yaml. SIERRA will plot the 95% confidence intervals on all generated graphs for the univariate batch criteria (whatever it was). If multiple batch criterias were used with each controller in the same scenario, SIERRA will process all of them and generate unique graphs for each scenario+criteria combination both controllers were run on.

ROS1+Gazebo Examples

Basic Example

This examples shows the simplest way to use SIERRA with the ROS1+gazebo platform plugin:

sierra-cli \
--platform=platform.ros1gazebo \
--project=ros1gazebo_project \
--n-runs=4 \
--exec-env=hpc.local \
--template-input-file=exp/your-experiment.launch \
--scenario=HouseWorld.10x10x1 \
--sierra-root=$HOME/exp/test \
--batch-criteria population_size.Log8 \
--controller=turtlebot3_sim.wander \
--exp-overwrite \
--exp-setup=exp_setup.T10 \
--robot turtlebot3

This will run a batch of 4 experiments using a correlated random walk controller (CRW) on the turtlebot3. Population size will be varied from 1..8, by powers of 2. Within each experiment, 4 copies of each simulation will be run (each with different random seeds), for a total of 16 Gazebo simulations. Each experimental run will be will be 10 seconds of simulated time. On a reasonable machine it should take about 10 minutes or so to run. After it finishes, you can go to $HOME/exp and find all the simulation outputs. For an explanation of SIERRA’s runtime directory tree, see SIERRA Runtime Directory Tree.

HPC Example

In order to run on a SLURM managed cluster, you need to invoke SIERRA within a script submitted with sbatch, or via srun with the correspond cmdline options set.

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes 4
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=6
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2G
#SBATCH --output=R-%x.%j.out
#SBATCH --error=R-%x.%j.err
#SBATCH -J ros1gazebo-slurm-example

# setup environment
export SIERRA_PLUGIN_PATH=$HOME/git/sierra-projects

sierra-cli \
--platform=platform.ros1gazebo \
--project=ros1gazebo_project \
--n-runs=96 \
--exec-env=hpc.slurm \
--template-input-file=exp/your-experiment.launch \
--scenario=HouseWorld.10x10x1 \
--sierra-root=$HOME/exp/test \
--batch-criteria population_size.Log8 \
--controller=turtlebot3_sim.wander \
--exp-overwrite \
--exp-setup=exp_setup.T10000 \
--robot turtlebot3

In this example, the user requests 10 nodes with 24 cores each. SIERRA will run each of the 96 runs in parallel, 24 at a time on each allocated node. Each simulation will be 1,000 seconds long and use same scenario as before.


You need to export PARALLEL containing all necessary environment variables your code uses in addition to those needed by SIERRA before invoking it, otherwise some of them might not be transferred to the SLURM job and/or the new shell GNU parallel starts each simulation in.

Bivariate Batch Criteria Example

This example shows how to use ROS1+gazebo with a bivariate batch criteria (i.e., with TWO variables/things you want to vary jointly):


sierra-cli –sierra-root=$HOME/exp –template-input-file=exp/your-experiment.argos –platform=platform.ros1gazebo–project=ros1gazebo_project –controller=turtlebot3_sim.wander –scenario=HouseWorld.10x10x2 –exec-env=hpc.local –n-runs=3 –exp-graphs=none –batch-criteria population_size.Log8 max_speed.1.9.C5

The max_speed.1.9.C5 is a batch criteria defined in the sample project, and corresponds to setting the maximum robot speed from 1…9 to make 5 experiments; i.e., 1,3,5,7,9. It can also be used on its own–just remove the first population_size batch criteria from the command to get a univariate example.

The generated experiments form a grid: population size on the X axis and max speed on the Y, for a total of 3 * 5 = 15 experiments. If the order of the batch criteria is switched, then so is which criteria/variable is on the X/Y axis. Experiments are run in sequence just as with univariate batch criteria. During stage 3/4, by default SIERRA generates discrete heatmaps of results instead of linegraphs, because the experiment space is 2D instead of 1D.

ROS1+Robot Examples

Basic Example

This examples shows the simplest way to use SIERRA with the ROS1+robot platform plugin:


sierra-cli –platform=platform.ros1robot –project=ros1robot_project –n-runs=4 –template-input-file=exp/your-experiment.launch –scenario=OutdoorWorld.16x16x2 –sierra-root=$HOME/exp/test –batch-criteria population_size.Linear6.C6 –controller=turtlebot3.wander –robot turtlebot3 –exp-setup=exp_setup.T100 –exec-env=robot.turtlebot3 –nodefile=turtlebots.txt –exec-inter-run-pause=60 –no-master-node

This will run a batch of 4 experiments using a correlated random walk controller (CRW) on the turtlebot3. Population size will be varied from 1,2,3,4,5,6. Within each experiment, 4 experimental runs will be conducted with each swarm size. SIERRA will pause for 60 seconds between runs so you can reset the robot’s positions and environment before continuing with the next run. turtlebots3.txt contains the IP addresses of all 6 robots in the swarm (SIERRA may use different combinations of these if the swarm size is < 6). You could also omit --nodefile and set SIERRA_NODEFILE instead.

For these experiments, no master node is needed, so it is disabled. After all runs have completed and SIERRA finishes stages 3 and 4, you can go to $HOME/exp and find all the simulation outputs. For an explanation of SIERRA’s runtime directory tree, see SIERRA Runtime Directory Tree.