Generator Configuration

Per-Scenario Configuration

To enable SIERRA to generate experiment definitions based on the --scenario you specify, you need to:

  1. Create generators/ in your --project directory.

    Within this file, you must define the ScenarioGeneratorParser class with the following signature:

    import typing as tp
    class ScenarioGeneratorParser():
        def __init__(self):
        def to_scenario_name(self, args) -> tp.Optional[str]:
            Parse the scenario generator from cmdline arguments into a
            string. Should return None if ``args`` is None (stage5).
        def to_dict(self, scenario_name: str) -> str:
            Given a string (presumably a result of an earlier cmdline parse),
            parse it into a dictionary of components: arena_x, arena_y,
            arena_z, scenario_tag
            which specify the X,Y,Z dimensions of the arena a unique tag/short
            scenario name unique among all scenarios for the project, which is
            used which creating the SIERRA runtime directory structure.
  2. Create generators/ in your --project directory.

    Within this file, you must define at least one function (and presumably one or more classes representing the scenarios you want to test with), which is gen_generator_name(), which takes the --scenario argument and returns the string of the class name within that SIERRA should use to generate scenario definitions for your experiments:

    def gen_generator_name(scenario_name: str) -> str:

    Each generator class within must define the generate() function like so:

    class MyScenarioGenerator():
    def generate(self):

Per-Experimental Run Configuration

In order to hook into SIERRA stage 1 experiment generation (doing so is optional), you need to:

  1. Create generators/ in your --project directory.

  2. Define a ExpRunDefUniqueGenerator class in this file, overriding the generate() function with your customizations. Your class really should be derived from a platform generator (e.g., PlatformExpRunDefUniqueGenerator) and override the generate() function, though you don’t have to.