SIERRA Runtime Directory Tree


SIERRA NEVER deletes directories for you.

Subsequent experiments using the same values for the following cmdline arguments WILL result in the same calculated root directory for experimental inputs and outputs, even if other parameters change (or if you change the contents of the template input file):

  • --controller

  • --scenario

  • --sierra-root

  • --template-input-file

  • --batch-criteria

SIERRA will abort stage {1,2} processing when this occurs in order to preserve data integrity; this behavior can be overwridden with --exp-overwrite, in which case the use assumes full responsibility for ensuring the integrity of the experiment.

Always better to check the arguments before hitting ENTER. Measure twice, cut once, as the saying goes.

Default Pipeline Directory Tree (Stages 1-4)

When SIERRA runs stages 1-4, it creates a directory structure under whatever was passed as --sierra-root. For the purposes of explanation, I will use the following partial SIERRA option set to explain the experiment tree:


This invocation will cause SIERRA to create the following directory structure as it runs:

  • $HOME/exp - This is the root of the directory structure (--sierra-root), and is NOT deleted on subsequent runs.

    • fordyca - Each project gets their own directory, so you can disambiguate otherwise identical SIERRA invocations and don’t overwrite the directories for a previously used project on subsequent runs.

      • CATEGORY.my_controller - Each controller gets their own directory in the project root, which is NOT deleted on subsequent runs.

        • mytemplate-SS.12x6 - The directory for the Batch Experiment is named from a combination of the template input file used (--template-input-file) and the scenario (--scenario).

          • exp-inputs - Root directory for Experimental inputs; each experiment in the batch gets their own directory in here.

            • exp0 - Within the input directory for each experiment in the batch (there are 4 such directories in this example), there will be an input file for each Experimental Run in the experiment, as well as a commands.txt used by GNU parallel to run them all in parallel. The leaf of the --template-input-file, sans extension, has the experimental run # appended to it (e.g. my-template_0.argos is the input file for simulation 0).

              • commands.txt

              • my-template_0.argos

              • my-template_1.argos

              • my-template_2.argos

              • my-template_3.argos

            • exp1

              • my-template_0.argos

              • my-template_1.argos

              • my-template_2.argos

              • my-template_3.argos

            • exp2

              • ...

          • exp-outputs - Root directory for experimental outputs; each experiment gets their own directory in here (just like for experiment inputs). Directory name is controlled by the main YAML configuration.

            • exp0 - Within the output directory for each experiment in the batch (there are 3 such directories in this example), there will be a directory (rather than a file, as was the case for inputs) for each experimental run’s output, including metrics, grabbed frames, etc., as configured in the XML input file.

              • my-template_0_output

              • my-template_1_output

              • my-template_2_output

              • my-template_3_output

            • exp1

              • my-template_0_output

              • my-template_1_output

              • my-template_2_output

              • my-template_3_output

            • exp2

              • ...

            • statistics - Root directory for holding statistics calculated during stage3 for use during stage4.

              • exp0 - Contains the results of statistics generation for exp0 (mean, stddev, etc., as configured).

              • exp1

              • exp2

              • ...

              • collated - Contains Collated .csv files. During stage4, SIERRA will draw specific columns from .csv files under statistics according to configuration, and collate them under here for graph generation of inter-experiment graphs.

              • exec - Statistics about SIERRA runtime. Useful for capturing runtime of specific experiments to better plan/schedule time on HPC clusters.

          • imagize - Root directory for holding imagized files (averaged run outputs which have been converted to graphs) which can be patched together in stage 4 to generated videos. Each experiment will get its own directory under here, with unique sub-directories for each different type of Experimental Run data captured for imagizing. See Project Rendering for more details.

          • videos - Root directory for holding rendered videos generated during stage 4 from either captured simulator frames for imagized project files. Each experiment will get its own directory under here, with See Rendering for more details.

          • models - During stage4, the dataframes generated by all executed models are stored under this directory. Each experiment in the batch gets their own directory for intra-experiment models.

          • graphs - During stage4, all generated graphs are output under this directory. Each experiment in the batch gets their own directory for intra-experiment graphs.

            • exp0

            • exp1

            • exp2

            • exp3

            • collated - Graphs which are generated across experiments in the batch from collated .csv data, rather than from the averaged results within each experiment, are output here.

Stage 5 Directory Tree

When SIERRA runs stage 5, stages 1-4 must have already been successfully run, and therefore the directory tree shown above will exist. For the purposes of explanation, I will use the following partial SIERRA option sets to explain the additions to the experiment tree for stage 5.

First, the experiment tree for scenario comparison:

--pipeline 5\
--batch-criteria population_size.Log8\

This invocation will cause SIERRA to create the following directory structure as it runs:

  • $HOME/exp

    • RN.16x16x2+PL.16x16x2-sc-graphs

      This is the directory holding the comparison graphs for all controllers which were previously run on the scenarios RN.16x16x2 and PL.16x16x2 (scenario names are arbitrary for the purposes of stage 5 and entirely depend on the project). Inside this directory will be all graphs generated according to the configuration specified in Stage 5 Configuration.

Second, the experiment tree for controller comparison

--pipeline 5\
--batch-criteria population_size.Log8\
--controllers-list d0.CRW,d0.DPO\

This invocation will cause SIERRA to create the following directory structure as it runs:

  • $HOME/exp

    • d0.CRW+d0.DPO-cc-graphs

      This is the directory holding the comparison graphs for each scenario for which d0.CRW and d0.DPO were run (scenarios are computed by examining the directory tree for stages 1-4). Controller names are arbitrary for the purposes of stage 5 and entirely depend on the project). Inside this directory will be all graphs generated according to the configuration specified in Stage 5 Configuration.