Requirements To Use SIERRA

This page details the parameters you must meet in order to be able to use SIERRA in a more or less out-of-the-box fashion. Because SIERRA is highly modular, use cases which don’t meet one or more of the parameters described below can likely still be accommodated with an appropriate plugin.

OS Requirements

One of the following:

  • Recent linux. SIERRA is tested with Ubuntu 20.04+, though it will probably work on less recent versions/other distros as well.

  • Recent OSX. SIERRA is tested with OSX 12+, though it might work on less recent versions.


Windows is not supported currently. Not because it can’t be supported, but because there are not current any platform plugins that which work on windows. SIERRA is written in pure python, and could be made to work on windows with a little work.

If windows support would be helpful for your intended usage of SIERRA, please get in touch with me.

Python Requirements

Python 3.8+. Tested with 3.8-3.9. It may work for newer versions, probably won’t for older.

Experimental Definition Requirements


Experimental Runs within each Experiment are entirely defined by the contents of the --template-input-file (which is modified by SIERRA before being written out as one or more input XML files), so SIERRA restricts the content of this file in a few modest ways.

  1. Experimental inputs are specified as a single XML file (--template-input-file); SIERRA uses this to generate multiple XML input files defining Experiments. If your experiments use require multiple XML input files, you will either have to consolidate them all into a single file, or point SIERRA to the “main” file in order to use SIERRA to generate experiments from some portion of your experimental definitions. As a result of this restriction, all experiments must read their definition from XML.

    XML was chosen over other input formats because:

    • It is not dependent on whitespace/tab/spaces for correctness, making it more robust to multiple platforms, simulators, parsers, users, etc.

    • Mature manipulation libraries exist for python and C++, so it should be relatively straightforward for projects to read experimental definitions from XML.

  2. No reserved XML tokens are present. See XML Content Requirements for details.

  3. All experiments from which you want to generate statistics/graphs are:

    • The same length

    • Capture the same number of datapoints

    That is, experiments always obey --exp-setup, regardless if early stopping conditions are met. For ROS1 platforms, the SIERRA timekeeper ensures that all experiments are the same length; it is up to you to make sure all experiments capture the same # of data points. For other Platforms (e.g., ARGoS) it is up to you to ensure both conditions.

    This is a necessary restriction for deterministic and non-surprising statistics generation during stage 3. Pandas (the underlying data processing library) can of course handle averaging/calculating statistics from dataframes of different sizes (corresponding to experiments which had different lengths), but the generated statistics may not be as reliable/meaningful. For example, if you are interested in the steady state behavior of the system, then you might want to use the last datapoint in a given column as a performance measure, averaged across all experiments. If not all experiments have the same # of datapoints/same length, then the resulting confidence intervals around the average value (for example) may be larger.

    If you need to “stop” an experiment early, simply tell all agents/robots to stop moving/stop doing stuff once the stopping conditions have been met and continue to collect data as you normally would until the end of the experiment.

    If you do NOT want to use SIERRA to generate statistics/graphs from experimental data (e.g., you want to use it to capture videos only), then you can ignore this requirement.

Platforms may have additional experiment requirements, as shown below.

ARGoS Platform

  1. All swarms are homogeneous (i.e., only contain 1 type of robot) if the size of the swarm changes across experiments (e.g., 1 robot in exp0, 2 in exp1, etc.). While SIERRA does not currently support multiple types of robots with varying swarm sizes, adding support for doing so would not be difficult. As a result, SIERRA assumes that the type of the robots you want to use is already set in the template input file (e.g., <entity/foot-bot>) when using SIERRA to change the swarm size.

  2. The distribution method via <distribute> in the .argos file is the same for all robots, and therefore only one such tag exists (not checked).

  3. The <XXX_controller> tag representing the configuration for the --controller you want to use does not exist verbatim in the --template-input-file. Instead, a placeholder __CONTROLLER__ is used so that SIERRA can unambiguously set the “library” attribute of the controller; the __CONTROLLER__ tag will replaced with the ARGoS name of the controller you selected via --controller specified in the controllers.yaml configuration file by SIERRA. You should have something like this in your template input file:


    See also Main Configuration.

ROS1-based Platforms

These requirements apply to any Platform which uses ROS1 (e.g., ROS1+Gazebo, ROS1+Robot).

  1. All robot systems are homogeneous (i.e., only contain 1 type of robot). While SIERRA does not currently support multiple types of robots in ROS, adding support for doing so would not be difficult.

  2. Since SIERRA operates on a single template input file (--template-input-file) when generating experimental definitions, all XML parameters you want to be able to modify with SIERRA must be present in a single .launch file. Other parameters you don’t want to modify with SIERRA can be present in other .launch or .world files, and using the usual <include> mechanism. See also SIERRA Design Philosophy.

  3. Within the template .launch file (--template-input-file), the root XML tag must be <ros-configuration> . The <ros-configuration> tag is stripped out by SIERRA during generation, and exists solely for the purposes of conformance with the XML standard, which states that there can be only a single root element (i.e., you can’t have a <params> element and a <launch> element both at the root level–see options below). See Template Input Files for details of required structure of passed --template-input-file, and what changes are applied to them by SIERRA to use with ROS.

    Projects can choose either of the following options for specifying controller parameters. See Template Input Files for further details of required structure of passed --template-input-file, and what changes are applied to them by SIERRA to use with ROS, depending on the option chosen.

    • Use the ROS Parameter Server

      All parameters are specified as you would expect under <launch>.


      Using the ROS parameter server is generally discouraged for projects which have LOTS of parameters, because manipulating the XML becomes non-trivial, and can require extensive XPath knowledge (e.g., //launch/group/[@ns='{ns}']). For smaller projects it’s generally fine.

    • Use the <params> tag under <ros-configuration> to specify an XML tree of controller parameters.

      This is recommended for large projects, as it allows cleaner XPath specifications (e.g., .//params/task_alloc/mymethod/threshold), and for those which use ARGoS for simulations and a ROS platform for real robots, as it maximizes code reuse. During stage 1 the modified <params> sub-tree is removed from the written .launch file if it exists and written to a different file in the same directory as the .launch file.

      All SIERRA configuration exposed via XML parameters uses the ROS parameter server. See Template Input Files for specifics.

  4. ROS does not currently provide a way to shut down after a given # of iterations/timesteps, so SIERRA provides a ROS package with a node tracking the elapsed time in seconds, and which exits (and takes down the roslaunch when it does) after the specified experiment time has elapsed. This node is inserted into all .launch files. All ROS projects must depend on this ROS bridge package so the necessary nodes can be found by ROS at runtime.

Additional Platform Requirements

ROS1+Robot Platform

  1. All data from multiple robots somehow ends up accessible through the filesystem on the host machine SIERRA is invoked on, as if the same experimental run was locally with a simulator. There are several ways to accomplish this:

    • Use SIERRA’s ability to configure a “master” node on the host machine, and then setup streaming of robot data via ROS messages to this master node. Received data is processed as appropriate and then written out to the local filesystem so that it is ready for statistics generation during stage 3.


      If you use this method, then you will need to handle robots starting execution at slightly different times in your code via (a) a start barrier triggered from the master node, or else timestamp the data from robots and marshal it on the master node in some fashion. The SIERRA ROSBridge provides some support for (a).

    • Mount a shared directory on each robot where it can write its data, and then after execution finishes but before your code exits you process the per-robot data if needed so it is ready for statistics generation during stage 3.

    • Record some/all messages sent and received via one or more ROSbag files, and then post-process these files into a set of dataframes which are written out to the local filesystem.

    • Record some/all messages sent and received via one or more ROSbag files, and use these files directly as a “database” to query during stage 3. This would require writing a SIERRA storage plugin (see Creating a New Storage Plugin).


      This method requires that whatever is recorded into the ROSbag file is per-run, not per-robot; that is, if a given data source somehow built from messages sent from multiple robots, those messages need to be processed/averaged/etc and then sent to a dedicated topic to be recorded.

Requirements For Project Code


SIERRA makes a few assumptions about how Experimental Runs using your C/C++ library can be launched, and how they output data. If your code does not meet these assumptions, then you will need to make some (hopefully minor) modifications to it before you can use it with SIERRA.

  1. Project code uses a configurable random seed. While this is not technically required for use with SIERRA, all research code should do this for reproducibility. See Platform Plugins for platform-specific details about random seeding and usage with SIERRA.

  2. Experimental Runs can be launched from any directory; that is, they do not require to be launched from the root of the code repository (for example).

  3. All outputs for a single Experimental Run will reside in a subdirectory in the directory that the run is launched from. For example, if a run is launched from $HOME/exp/research/simulations/sim1, then its outputs need to appear in a directory such as $HOME/exp/research/simulations/sim1/outputs. The directory within the experimental run root which SIERRA looks for simulation outputs is configured via YAML; see Main Configuration for details.

    For HPC execution environments (see HPC Execution Environment Plugins), this requirement is easy to meet. For real robot execution environments (see Real Robot Execution Environment Plugins), this can be more difficult to meet.

  4. All experimental run outputs are in a format that SIERRA understands within the output directory for the run. See Storage Plugins for which output formats are currently understood by SIERRA. If your output format is not in the list, never fear! It’s easy to create a new storage plugin, see Creating a New Storage Plugin.

ARGoS Platform

  1. --project matches the name of the C++ library for the project (i.e., unless library_name is present in YAML config. See Main Configuration for details. For example if you pass --project=project-awesome, then SIERRA will tell ARGoS to search in for both loop function and controller definitions via XML changes, unless you specify otherwise in project configuration. You cannot put the loop function/controller definitions in different libraries.

  2. ARGOS_PLUGIN_PATH is set up properly prior to invoking SIERRA.

ROS1+Gazebo Project Platform

  1. ROS_PACKAGE_PATH is set up properly prior to invoking SIERRA.

ROS1+Robot Platform

  1. ROS_PACKAGE_PATH is set up properly prior to invoking SIERRA on the local machine AND all robots are setup such that it is populated on login (e.g., an appropriate setup.bash is sourced in .bashrc).

  2. All robots have ROS_IP or ROS_HOSTNAME populated, or otherwise can correctly report their address to the ROS master. You can verify this by trying to launch a ROS master on each robot: if it launches without errors, then these values are setup properly.

Model Framework Requirements

When running models during stage 4 (see Adding Models to your SIERRA Project) SIERRA requires that:

  • All models return pandas.DataFrame (if they don’t do this natively, then their python bindings will have to do it). This is enforced by the interfaces models must implement.

XML Content Requirements

Reserved Tokens

SIERRA uses some special XML tokens during stage 1, and although it is unlikely that including these tokens would cause problems, because SIERRA looks for them in specific places in the --template-input-file, they should be avoided.

  • __CONTROLLER__ - Tag used when as a placeholder for selecting which controller present in an input file (if there are multiple) a user wants to use for a specific Experiment. Can appear in XML attributes. This makes auto-population of the controller name based on the --controller argument and the contents of controllers.yaml (see Main Configuration for details) in template input files possible.

  • __UUID__ - XPath substitution optionally used when a ROS1 platform is selected in controllers.yaml (see Main Configuration) when adding XML tags to force addition of the tag once for every robot in the experiment, with __UUID__ replaced with the configured robot prefix concatenated with its numeric ID (0-based). Can appear in XML attributes.

  • sierra - Used when the ROS1+Gazebo platform is selected. Should not appear in XML tags or attributes.