Main Configuration

The three main required configuration files that you must define so that SIERRA knows how to interact with your project are shown below for each platform SIERRA supports:

An example main configuration file for the ARGoS platform:

# Per-project configuration for SIERRA core. This dictionary is
# mandatory.
  # Configuration for each experimental run. This dictionary is
  # mandatory for all experiments.
    # The directory within each experimental run's working
    # directory which will contain the metrics output as by the
    # run. This key is mandatory for all experiments. Can be
    # anything; this is the interface link between where the
    # project code outputs things and where SIERRA looks for
    # outputs.
    run_metrics_leaf: 'metrics'

    # The name of the shared library where project code can be
    # found, sans file extension. Must include
    # 'lib'. Optional. If not present, then SIERRA will use
    # ``--project`` as the name of the library to tell ARGoS to
    # use.
    library_name: 'libawesome'

  # Configuration for performance measures. This key is mandatory
  # for all experiments. The value is the location of the .yaml
  # configuration file for performance measures. It is a separate
  # config file so that multiple scenarios within a single
  # project which define performance measures in different ways
  # can be easily accommodated without copy-pasting.
  perf: 'perf-config.yaml'