Stage 5 Configuration

This page has the following sections:

  • Intra-Scenario Comparison: How to generate comparison graphs for a set of controllers which have all been run on the same scenario(s).

  • Inter-Scenario Comparison: How to generate comparison graphs for a single controller which has been run across multiple scenarios.

All configuration for stage 5 is in <project>/config/stage5.yaml file. This file is mandatory for running stage 5, and optional otherwise.

Intra-Scenario Comparison

Intra-scenario comparison compares the results of multiple controllers on the same --scenario. An example stage5.yaml, defining two different comparison graphs is shown below. Supports univariate and bivariate batch criteria.


Any collated CSV/graph can be used as a comparison graph! This includes any additional CSVs that a project creates on its own/by extending SIERRA via hooks.

Graph YAML Config

Unless stated otherwise, all keys are required.

# Intra-scenario comparison: For a set of controllers which have all been run
# in the same scenario (or set of scenarios).
  # Which intra-scenario comparison graphs should be generated.
    # The filename (no path, extension) of the .csv within the collated .csv
    # output directory for each batch experiment which contains the
    # information to collate across controllers/scenarios.
    # The src_stem must match the dest_stem from an inter-experiment line
    # graph in order to generate the comparison graph!
    # Note that if you are using bivariate batch criteria + intra-scenario
    # comparison, you *may* have to append the interval # to the end of the
    # stem, because collated 2D CSV files form a temporal sequence over the
    # duration of the experiment. If you forget to do this, you will get a
    # warning and no graph will be generated, because SIERRA won't know which
    # 2D csv you want to us as source. Frequently you are interested in
    # steady state behavior, so putting 'n_intervals - 1' is desired.
    # If the src_stem is from a CSV you generated outside of the SIERRA
    # core/via a hook, then this restriction does not apply.
    - src_stem: PM-ss-raw

      # The filename (no path, extent) of the .csv file within the
      # controller/scenario comparison directory in ``--sierra-root``
      # (outside of the directories for each controller/scenario!) which
      # should contain the data collated from each batch experiment. I
      # usually put a prefix such as ``cc`` (controller comparison) to help
      # distinguish these graphs from the collated graphs in stage 4.
      dest_stem: cc-PM-ss-raw

      # The title the graph should have. This cannot be computed from the
      # batch criteria in general in stage 5, because you can comparison
      # results across scenarios which use different batch criteria. This key
      # is optional.
      title: ''

      # The Y or Z label of the graph (depending on the type of comparison
      # graph selected on the cmdline). This key is optional.
      label: 'Avg. Object Collection Rate'

      # For bivariate batch criteria, select which criteria should be on the
      # X axis if the comparison graphs are linegraphs. 0=criteria1,
      # 1=criteria2. Ignored for univariate batch criteria or if heatmaps are
      # selected for as the comparison type. This key is optional, and
      defaults to 0 if omitted.
      primary_axis: 0

     # The experiments from each batch experiment which should be included on
     # the comparison graph. This is useful to exclude exp0 (for example), if
     # you are interested in behavior under non-ideal conditions and exp0
     # contains behavior under ideal conditions as the "base case" in the
     # batch. Syntax is parsed as a python slice, so as ``X:Y`` as you would
     # expect. This key is optional, and defaults to ``:`` if omitted.
      include_exp: '2:'

    # scalability
    - src_stem: PM-ss-scalability-parallel-frac
      dest_stem: cc-PM-ss-scalability-parallel-frac
      title: ''
      label: 'Scalability Value'
      primary_axis: 0
      include_exp: '2:'

Inter-Scenario Comparison

Inter-scenario comparison compares the same --controller across multiple --scenarios. An example stage5.yaml, defining a comparison graphs is shown below. Only supports univariate batch criteria.


Any collated CSV/graph can be used as a comparison graph! This includes any additional CSVs that a project creates on its own/by extending SIERRA via hooks.

Graph YAML Config

Same syntax and meaning as the configuration for intra-scenario comparison graphs.

    # raw performance
    - src_stem: PM-ss-raw
      dest_stem: cc-PM-ss-raw
      title: ''
      label: 'Avg. Object Collection Rate'
      primary_axis: 0
      include_exp: '2:'