
Classes for specifying ARGoS cameras.

Positions, timeline, and interpolation, for manipulating the frame capture/rendering perspective.

  • QTCameraTimeline: Defines when/how to switch between camera perspectives within ARGoS.

  • QTCameraOverhead: Defines a single overhead camera perspective within ARGoS.

class sierra.plugins.platform.argos.variables.cameras.QTCameraTimeline(setup: ExpSetup, cmdline: str, extents: List[ArenaExtent])[source]

Defines when/how to switch between camera perspectives within ARGoS.


Should we interpolate between camera positions on our timeline ?


Simulation experiment definitions.


List of (X,Y,Zs) tuple of dimensions of arena areas to generate camera definitions for.


Inheritance diagram of QTCameraTimeline
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sierra.plugins.platform.argos.variables.cameras', '__doc__': 'Defines when/how to switch between camera perspectives within ARGoS.\n\n    Attributes:\n\n        interpolate: Should we interpolate between camera positions on our\n                      timeline ?\n\n        setup: Simulation experiment definitions.\n\n        extents: List of (X,Y,Zs) tuple of dimensions of arena areas to generate\n                 camera definitions for.\n\n    ', 'kARGOS_N_CAMERAS': 12, '__init__': <function QTCameraTimeline.__init__>, 'gen_attr_changelist': <function QTCameraTimeline.gen_attr_changelist>, 'gen_tag_rmlist': <function QTCameraTimeline.gen_tag_rmlist>, 'gen_tag_addlist': <function QTCameraTimeline.gen_tag_addlist>, 'gen_files': <function QTCameraTimeline.gen_files>, '_gen_keyframes': <function QTCameraTimeline._gen_keyframes>, '_gen_camera_config': <function QTCameraTimeline._gen_camera_config>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'QTCameraTimeline' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'QTCameraTimeline' objects>, '__annotations__': {'tag_adds': 'tp.List[xml.TagAddList]'}})
__doc__ = 'Defines when/how to switch between camera perspectives within ARGoS.\n\n    Attributes:\n\n        interpolate: Should we interpolate between camera positions on our\n                      timeline ?\n\n        setup: Simulation experiment definitions.\n\n        extents: List of (X,Y,Zs) tuple of dimensions of arena areas to generate\n                 camera definitions for.\n\n    '
__init__(setup: ExpSetup, cmdline: str, extents: List[ArenaExtent]) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.plugins.platform.argos.variables.cameras'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_gen_camera_config(ext: ArenaExtent, index: int, n_cameras) tuple[source]
_gen_keyframes(adds: TagAddList, n_cameras: int, cycle_length: int) None[source]
gen_attr_changelist() List[AttrChangeSet][source]

No effect.

All tags/attributes are either deleted or added.

gen_files() None[source]
gen_tag_addlist() List[TagAddList][source]
gen_tag_rmlist() List[TagRmList][source]

Remove the <camera> tag if it exists.

Obviously you must call this function BEFORE adding new definitions.

class sierra.plugins.platform.argos.variables.cameras.QTCameraOverhead(extents: List[ArenaExtent])[source]

Defines a single overhead camera perspective within ARGoS.


List of (X,Y,Z) tuple of dimensions of arena areas to generate camera definitions for.


Inheritance diagram of QTCameraOverhead
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sierra.plugins.platform.argos.variables.cameras', '__doc__': 'Defines a single overhead camera perspective within ARGoS.\n\n    Attributes:\n\n        extents: List of (X,Y,Z) tuple of dimensions of arena areas to generate\n                 camera definitions for.\n\n    ', '__init__': <function QTCameraOverhead.__init__>, 'gen_attr_changelist': <function QTCameraOverhead.gen_attr_changelist>, 'gen_tag_rmlist': <function QTCameraOverhead.gen_tag_rmlist>, 'gen_tag_addlist': <function QTCameraOverhead.gen_tag_addlist>, 'gen_files': <function QTCameraOverhead.gen_files>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'QTCameraOverhead' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'QTCameraOverhead' objects>, '__annotations__': {'tag_adds': 'tp.List[xml.TagAddList]'}})
__doc__ = 'Defines a single overhead camera perspective within ARGoS.\n\n    Attributes:\n\n        extents: List of (X,Y,Z) tuple of dimensions of arena areas to generate\n                 camera definitions for.\n\n    '
__init__(extents: List[ArenaExtent]) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.plugins.platform.argos.variables.cameras'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

gen_attr_changelist() List[AttrChangeSet][source]

No effect.

All tags/attributes are either deleted or added.

gen_files() None[source]
gen_tag_addlist() List[TagAddList][source]
gen_tag_rmlist() List[TagRmList][source]

Remove the <camera> tag if it exists.

Obviously you must call this function BEFORE adding new definitions.