
  • ArenaShape: Maps a list of desired arena dimensions sets of XML changes.

class sierra.plugins.platform.argos.variables.arena_shape.ArenaShape(extents: List[ArenaExtent])[source]

Maps a list of desired arena dimensions sets of XML changes.

This class is a base class which should (almost) never be used on its own. Instead, derived classes defined in this file should be used instead.


List of arena extents.


Inheritance diagram of ArenaShape
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sierra.plugins.platform.argos.variables.arena_shape', '__doc__': 'Maps a list of desired arena dimensions sets of XML changes.\n\n    This class is a base class which should (almost) never be used on its\n    own. Instead, derived classes defined in this file should be used instead.\n\n    Attributes:\n\n        extents: List of arena extents.\n\n    ', '__init__': <function ArenaShape.__init__>, 'gen_attr_changelist': <function ArenaShape.gen_attr_changelist>, '_gen_chgs_for_extent': <function ArenaShape._gen_chgs_for_extent>, 'gen_tag_rmlist': <function ArenaShape.gen_tag_rmlist>, 'gen_tag_addlist': <function ArenaShape.gen_tag_addlist>, 'gen_files': <function ArenaShape.gen_files>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'ArenaShape' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'ArenaShape' objects>, '__annotations__': {'attr_changes': 'tp.List[xml.AttrChangeSet]'}})
__doc__ = 'Maps a list of desired arena dimensions sets of XML changes.\n\n    This class is a base class which should (almost) never be used on its\n    own. Instead, derived classes defined in this file should be used instead.\n\n    Attributes:\n\n        extents: List of arena extents.\n\n    '
__init__(extents: List[ArenaExtent]) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.plugins.platform.argos.variables.arena_shape'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_gen_chgs_for_extent(extent: ArenaExtent) AttrChangeSet[source]
gen_attr_changelist() List[AttrChangeSet][source]

Generate changes necessary setup ARGoS with the specified arena sizes.

gen_files() None[source]
gen_tag_addlist() List[TagAddList][source]
gen_tag_rmlist() List[TagRmList][source]

Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
