Source code for sierra.plugins.platform.ros1gazebo.variables.population_size

# Copyright 2020 John Harwell, All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Classes for the population size batch criteria.

See :ref:`ln-sierra-platform-ros1gazebo-bc-population-size` for usage


# Core packages
import typing as tp
import random
import logging
import pathlib

# 3rd party packages
import implements

# Project packages
from sierra.core.variables import batch_criteria as bc
from sierra.core.experiment import xml
from sierra.core import types, utils
from sierra.core.vector import Vector3D
from sierra.core.variables import population_size

[docs]@implements.implements(bc.IConcreteBatchCriteria) @implements.implements(bc.IQueryableBatchCriteria) class PopulationSize(population_size.BasePopulationSize): """A univariate range of system sizes used to define batch experiments. This class is a base class which should (almost) never be used on its own. Instead, the ``factory()`` function should be used to dynamically create derived classes expressing the user's desired size distribution. Note: Usage of this class assumes homogeneous systems. Attributes: size_list: List of integer system sizes defining the range of the variable for the batch experiment. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cli_arg: str, main_config: types.YAMLDict, batch_input_root: pathlib.Path, robot: str, sizes: tp.List[int], positions: tp.List[Vector3D]) -> None: population_size.BasePopulationSize.__init__(self, cli_arg, main_config, batch_input_root) self.sizes = sizes self.robot = robot self.positions = positions self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if len(positions) < self.sizes[-1]: self.logger.warning("# possible positions < # robots: %s < %s", len(positions), self.sizes[-1]) self.tag_adds = [] # type: tp.List[xml.TagAddList]
[docs] def gen_tag_addlist(self) -> tp.List[xml.TagAddList]: """Generate XML modifications to set system sizes. """ if not self.tag_adds: robot_config = self.main_config['ros']['robots'][self.robot] prefix = robot_config['prefix'] model_base = robot_config['model'] model_variant = robot_config.get('model_variant', '') if model_variant != '': model = f"{model_base}_{model_variant}" else: model = model_base desc_cmd = f"$(find xacro)/xacro $(find {model_base}_description)/urdf/{model}.urdf.xacro" for s in self.sizes: exp_adds = xml.TagAddList() pos_i = random.randint(0, len(self.positions) - 1) exp_adds.append(xml.TagAdd(".", "master", {}, True)) exp_adds.append(xml.TagAdd("./master", "group", { 'ns': 'sierra' }, False)) exp_adds.append(xml.TagAdd("./master/group/[@ns='sierra']", "param", { 'name': 'experiment/n_robots', 'value': str(s) }, False)) for i in range(0, s): ns = f'{prefix}{i}' pos = self.positions[pos_i] pos_i = (pos_i + 1) % len(self.positions) spawn_cmd_args = f"-urdf -model {model}_{ns} -x {pos.x} -y {pos.y} -z {pos.z} -param robot_description" exp_adds.append(xml.TagAdd("./robot", "group", { 'ns': ns }, True)) exp_adds.append(xml.TagAdd(f"./robot/group/[@ns='{ns}']", "param", { "name": "tf_prefix", "value": ns }, True)) # These two tag adds are OK to use because: # # - All robots in Gazebo are created using spawn_model # initially. # # - All robots in Gazebo will provide a robot description # .urdf.xacro per ROS naming conventions exp_adds.append(xml.TagAdd(f"./robot/group/[@ns='{ns}']", "param", { "name": "robot_description", "command": desc_cmd }, True)) exp_adds.append(xml.TagAdd(f"./robot/group/[@ns='{ns}']", "node", { "name": "spawn_urdf", "pkg": "gazebo_ros", "type": "spawn_model", "args": spawn_cmd_args }, True)) self.tag_adds.append(exp_adds) return self.tag_adds
[docs] def gen_exp_names(self, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts) -> tp.List[str]: adds = self.gen_tag_addlist() return ['exp' + str(x) for x in range(0, len(adds))]
[docs] def n_robots(self, exp_num: int) -> int: return int(len(self.tag_adds[exp_num]) / len(self.tag_adds[0]))
def factory(cli_arg: str, main_config: types.YAMLDict, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts, **kwargs) -> PopulationSize: """Create a :class:`PopulationSize` derived class from the cmdline definition. """ parser = population_size.Parser() attr = parser(cli_arg) max_sizes = parser.to_sizes(attr) if cmdopts['robot_positions']: positions = [Vector3D.from_str(s, astype=float) for s in cmdopts['robot_positions']] else: # Get the dimensions of the effective arena from the scenario so we can # place robots randomly within it. kw = utils.gen_scenario_spec(cmdopts, **kwargs) xs = random.choices(range(0, kw['arena_x']), k=max_sizes[-1]) # type: ignore ys = random.choices(range(0, kw['arena_y']), k=max_sizes[-1]) # type: ignore zs = random.choices(range(0, kw['arena_z']), k=max_sizes[-1]) # type: ignore positions = [Vector3D(x, y, z) for x, y, z in zip(xs, ys, zs)] def __init__(self) -> None: PopulationSize.__init__(self, cli_arg, main_config, cmdopts['batch_input_root'], cmdopts['robot'], max_sizes, positions) return type(cli_arg, # type: ignore (PopulationSize,), {"__init__": __init__}) __api__ = [ 'PopulationSize' ]