
class sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.graph_collator.UnivarGraphCollator(main_config: Dict[str, Any], cmdopts: Dict[str, Any])[source]

For a single graph gather needed data from experiments in a batch.

Results are put into a single Collated .csv file.


Inheritance diagram of UnivarGraphCollator
__call__(criteria, target: dict, stat_collate_root: Path) None[source]

Call self as a function.

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.graph_collator', '__doc__': 'For a single graph gather needed data from experiments in a batch.\n\n    Results are put into a single :term:`Collated .csv` file.\n    ', '__init__': <function UnivarGraphCollator.__init__>, '__call__': <function UnivarGraphCollator.__call__>, '_collate_exp': <function UnivarGraphCollator._collate_exp>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'UnivarGraphCollator' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'UnivarGraphCollator' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
__doc__ = 'For a single graph gather needed data from experiments in a batch.\n\n    Results are put into a single :term:`Collated .csv` file.\n    '
__init__(main_config: Dict[str, Any], cmdopts: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.graph_collator'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_collate_exp(target: dict, exp_dir: str, stats: List[UnivarGraphCollationInfo]) None[source]
class sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.graph_collator.BivarGraphCollator(main_config: Dict[str, Any], cmdopts: Dict[str, Any])[source]

For a single graph gather needed data from experiments in a batch.

Results are put into a single Collated .csv file.


Inheritance diagram of BivarGraphCollator
__call__(criteria: IConcreteBatchCriteria, target: dict, stat_collate_root: Path) None[source]

Call self as a function.

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.graph_collator', '__doc__': 'For a single graph gather needed data from experiments in a batch.\n\n    Results are put into a single :term:`Collated .csv` file.\n\n    ', '__init__': <function BivarGraphCollator.__init__>, '__call__': <function BivarGraphCollator.__call__>, '_collate_exp': <function BivarGraphCollator._collate_exp>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'BivarGraphCollator' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BivarGraphCollator' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
__doc__ = 'For a single graph gather needed data from experiments in a batch.\n\n    Results are put into a single :term:`Collated .csv` file.\n\n    '
__init__(main_config: Dict[str, Any], cmdopts: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.graph_collator'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_collate_exp(target: dict, exp_dir: str, stats: List[BivarGraphCollationInfo]) None[source]
class sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.graph_collator.UnivarGraphCollationInfo(df_ext: str, ylabels: List[str])[source]

Data class of the Collated .csv files for a particular graph.


Inheritance diagram of UnivarGraphCollationInfo
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.graph_collator', '__doc__': 'Data class of the :term:`Collated .csv` files for a particular graph.\n\n    ', '__init__': <function UnivarGraphCollationInfo.__init__>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'UnivarGraphCollationInfo' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'UnivarGraphCollationInfo' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
__doc__ = 'Data class of the :term:`Collated .csv` files for a particular graph.\n\n    '
__init__(df_ext: str, ylabels: List[str]) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.graph_collator'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.graph_collator.BivarGraphCollationInfo(df_ext: str, xlabels: List[str], ylabels: List[str])[source]

Data class of the Collated .csv files for a particular graph.


Inheritance diagram of BivarGraphCollationInfo
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.graph_collator', '__doc__': 'Data class of the :term:`Collated .csv` files for a particular graph.\n\n    ', '__init__': <function BivarGraphCollationInfo.__init__>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'BivarGraphCollationInfo' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BivarGraphCollationInfo' objects>, '__annotations__': {'df_seq': 'tp.Dict[int, pd.DataFrame]'}})
__doc__ = 'Data class of the :term:`Collated .csv` files for a particular graph.\n\n    '
__init__(df_ext: str, xlabels: List[str], ylabels: List[str]) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.graph_collator'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)