
The 5 pipeline stages implemented by SIERRA.

See SIERRA Pipeline for high-level documentation.

  • Pipeline: Implements SIERRA’s 5 stage pipeline.

class sierra.core.pipeline.pipeline.Pipeline(args: Namespace, controller: Optional[str], rdg_opts: Dict[str, Any])[source]

Implements SIERRA’s 5 stage pipeline.


Inheritance diagram of Pipeline
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sierra.core.pipeline.pipeline', '__doc__': "Implements SIERRA's 5 stage pipeline.", '__init__': <function Pipeline.__init__>, 'run': <function>, '_load_config': <function Pipeline._load_config>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Pipeline' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Pipeline' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
__doc__ = "Implements SIERRA's 5 stage pipeline."
__init__(args: Namespace, controller: Optional[str], rdg_opts: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.core.pipeline.pipeline'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_load_config() None[source]
run() None[source]

Run pipeline stages 1-5 as configured.