
class sierra.core.graphs.stacked_surface_graph.StackedSurfaceGraph(ipaths: List[Path], output_fpath: Path, title: str, legend: List[str], xlabel: str, ylabel: str, zlabel: str, xtick_labels: List[str], ytick_labels: List[str], comp_type: str, large_text: bool = False)[source]

Generates a plot of a set of 3D surface graphs from a set of CSVs.

.mean files must be named as``<input_stem_fpath>_X.mean``, where X is non-negative integer. Input CSV files must be 2D grids of the same cardinality.

This graph does not plot standard deviation.

If no .mean files matching the pattern are found, the graph is not generated.


Inheritance diagram of StackedSurfaceGraph
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sierra.core.graphs.stacked_surface_graph', '__doc__': 'Generates a plot of a set of 3D surface graphs from a set of CSVs.\n\n    ``.mean`` files must be named as``<input_stem_fpath>_X.mean``, where `X` is\n    non-negative integer. Input CSV files must be 2D grids of the same\n    cardinality.\n\n    This graph does not plot standard deviation.\n\n    If no ``.mean`` files matching the pattern are found, the graph is not\n    generated.\n\n    ', 'kMaxSurfaces': 4, '__init__': <function StackedSurfaceGraph.__init__>, 'generate': <function StackedSurfaceGraph.generate>, '_plot_surfaces': <function StackedSurfaceGraph._plot_surfaces>, '_plot_ticks': <function StackedSurfaceGraph._plot_ticks>, '_plot_legend': <function StackedSurfaceGraph._plot_legend>, '_plot_labels': <function StackedSurfaceGraph._plot_labels>, '_save_figs': <function StackedSurfaceGraph._save_figs>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'StackedSurfaceGraph' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'StackedSurfaceGraph' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
__doc__ = 'Generates a plot of a set of 3D surface graphs from a set of CSVs.\n\n    ``.mean`` files must be named as``<input_stem_fpath>_X.mean``, where `X` is\n    non-negative integer. Input CSV files must be 2D grids of the same\n    cardinality.\n\n    This graph does not plot standard deviation.\n\n    If no ``.mean`` files matching the pattern are found, the graph is not\n    generated.\n\n    '
__init__(ipaths: List[Path], output_fpath: Path, title: str, legend: List[str], xlabel: str, ylabel: str, zlabel: str, xtick_labels: List[str], ytick_labels: List[str], comp_type: str, large_text: bool = False) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.core.graphs.stacked_surface_graph'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_plot_legend(ax, cmap_handles, handler_map)[source]
_plot_surfaces(X, Y, ax, colors, dfs)[source]
_plot_ticks(ax, xvals, yvals)[source]

Plot ticks and tick labels.

If the labels are numerical and the numbers are too large, force scientific notation (the rcParam way of doing this does not seem to work…)

_save_figs(fig, ax)[source]

Save multiple rotated copies of the same figure.

Necessary for automation of 3D figure generation, because you can’t really know a priori what views are going to give the best results. MPL doesn’t have a true 3D plot generator yet.

generate() None[source]
kMaxSurfaces = 4