
  • Heatmap: Generates a X vs. Y vs. Z heatmap plot of a .mean file.

  • DualHeatmap: Generates a side-by-side plot of two heataps from two CSV files.

  • HeatmapSet: Generates a Heatmap plot for each of the specified I/O path pairs.

class sierra.core.graphs.heatmap.Heatmap(input_fpath: Path, output_fpath: Path, title: str, xlabel: str, ylabel: str, zlabel: Optional[str] = None, large_text: bool = False, xtick_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, ytick_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, transpose: bool = False, interpolation: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Generates a X vs. Y vs. Z heatmap plot of a .mean file.

If the necessary .mean file does not exist, the graph is not generated.


Inheritance diagram of Heatmap
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sierra.core.graphs.heatmap', '__doc__': '\n    Generates a X vs. Y vs. Z heatmap plot of a ``.mean`` file.\n\n    If the necessary .mean file does not exist, the graph is not generated.\n\n    ', 'set_graph_size': <staticmethod object>, '__init__': <function Heatmap.__init__>, 'generate': <function Heatmap.generate>, '_plot_df': <function Heatmap._plot_df>, '_plot_colorbar': <function Heatmap._plot_colorbar>, '_plot_ticks': <function Heatmap._plot_ticks>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Heatmap' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Heatmap' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
__doc__ = '\n    Generates a X vs. Y vs. Z heatmap plot of a ``.mean`` file.\n\n    If the necessary .mean file does not exist, the graph is not generated.\n\n    '
__init__(input_fpath: Path, output_fpath: Path, title: str, xlabel: str, ylabel: str, zlabel: Optional[str] = None, large_text: bool = False, xtick_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, ytick_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, transpose: bool = False, interpolation: Optional[str] = None) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.core.graphs.heatmap'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_plot_colorbar(ax) None[source]

Put the Z-axis colorbar on the plot.

_plot_df(df: DataFrame, opath: Path) None[source]

Given a dataframe read from a file, plot it as a heatmap.

_plot_ticks(ax) None[source]

Plot X,Y ticks and their corresponding labels.

generate() None[source]
static set_graph_size(df: DataFrame, fig) None[source]

Set graph X,Y size based on dataframe dimensions.

class sierra.core.graphs.heatmap.DualHeatmap(ipaths: List[Path], output_fpath: Path, title: str, xlabel: Optional[str] = None, ylabel: Optional[str] = None, zlabel: Optional[str] = None, large_text: bool = False, xtick_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, ytick_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, legend: Optional[List[str]] = None)[source]

Generates a side-by-side plot of two heataps from two CSV files.

.mean files must be named as <input_stem_fpath>_X.mean, where X is non-negative integer. Input .mean files must be 2D grids of the same cardinality.

This graph does not plot standard deviation.

If there are not exactly two file paths passed, the graph is not generated.


Inheritance diagram of DualHeatmap
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sierra.core.graphs.heatmap', '__doc__': 'Generates a side-by-side plot of two heataps from two CSV files.\n\n    ``.mean`` files must be named as ``<input_stem_fpath>_X.mean``, where `X` is\n    non-negative integer. Input ``.mean`` files must be 2D grids of the same\n    cardinality.\n\n    This graph does not plot standard deviation.\n\n    If there are not exactly two file paths passed, the graph is not generated.\n\n    ', 'kCardinality': 2, '__init__': <function DualHeatmap.__init__>, 'generate': <function DualHeatmap.generate>, '_plot_colorbar': <function DualHeatmap._plot_colorbar>, '_plot_ticks': <function DualHeatmap._plot_ticks>, '_plot_labels': <function DualHeatmap._plot_labels>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'DualHeatmap' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'DualHeatmap' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
__doc__ = 'Generates a side-by-side plot of two heataps from two CSV files.\n\n    ``.mean`` files must be named as ``<input_stem_fpath>_X.mean``, where `X` is\n    non-negative integer. Input ``.mean`` files must be 2D grids of the same\n    cardinality.\n\n    This graph does not plot standard deviation.\n\n    If there are not exactly two file paths passed, the graph is not generated.\n\n    '
__init__(ipaths: List[Path], output_fpath: Path, title: str, xlabel: Optional[str] = None, ylabel: Optional[str] = None, zlabel: Optional[str] = None, large_text: bool = False, xtick_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, ytick_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, legend: Optional[List[str]] = None) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.core.graphs.heatmap'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_plot_colorbar(fig, im, ax, remove: bool) None[source]

Plot the Z-axis color bar on the dual heatmap.

_plot_labels(ax, xlabel: bool, ylabel: bool) None[source]

Plot X,Y axis labels.

_plot_ticks(ax, xvals, yvals, xlabels: bool, ylabels: bool) None[source]

Plot ticks and tick labels.

If the labels are numerical and the numbers are too large, force scientific notation (the rcParam way of doing this does not seem to work…)

generate() None[source]
kCardinality = 2
class sierra.core.graphs.heatmap.HeatmapSet(ipaths: List[Path], opaths: List[Path], titles: List[str], **kwargs)[source]

Generates a Heatmap plot for each of the specified I/O path pairs.


Inheritance diagram of HeatmapSet
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sierra.core.graphs.heatmap', '__doc__': '\n    Generates a :class:`Heatmap` plot for each of the specified I/O path pairs.\n    ', '__init__': <function HeatmapSet.__init__>, 'generate': <function HeatmapSet.generate>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'HeatmapSet' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'HeatmapSet' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
__doc__ = '\n    Generates a :class:`Heatmap` plot for each of the specified I/O path pairs.\n    '
__init__(ipaths: List[Path], opaths: List[Path], titles: List[str], **kwargs) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.core.graphs.heatmap'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

generate() None[source]