
Experiment creation classes.

Experiment creation takes an experiment definition generated by classes in and writes the experiment to the filesystem.

class sierra.core.generators.exp_creator.ExpCreator(cmdopts: Dict[str, Any], criteria: BatchCriteria, template_ipath: Path, exp_input_root: Path, exp_output_root: Path, exp_num: int)[source]

Instantiate a generated experiment from an experiment definition.

Takes generated Experiment definitions and writes them to the filesystem.


Absolute path to the template XML configuration file.


Absolute path to experiment directory where generated XML input files for this experiment should be written.


Absolute path to root directory for run outputs for this experiment.


Dictionary containing parsed cmdline options.


Inheritance diagram of ExpCreator
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sierra.core.generators.exp_creator', '__doc__': 'Instantiate a generated experiment from an experiment definition.\n\n    Takes generated :term:`Experiment` definitions and writes them to the\n    filesystem.\n\n    Attributes:\n\n        template_ipath: Absolute path to the template XML configuration file.\n\n        exp_input_root: Absolute path to experiment directory where generated\n                         XML input files for this experiment should be written.\n\n        exp_output_root: Absolute path to root directory for run outputs\n                         for this experiment.\n\n        cmdopts: Dictionary containing parsed cmdline options.\n\n    ', '__init__': <function ExpCreator.__init__>, 'from_def': <function ExpCreator.from_def>, '_create_exp_run': <function ExpCreator._create_exp_run>, '_get_launch_file_stempath': <function ExpCreator._get_launch_file_stempath>, '_update_cmds_file': <function ExpCreator._update_cmds_file>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'ExpCreator' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'ExpCreator' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
__doc__ = 'Instantiate a generated experiment from an experiment definition.\n\n    Takes generated :term:`Experiment` definitions and writes them to the\n    filesystem.\n\n    Attributes:\n\n        template_ipath: Absolute path to the template XML configuration file.\n\n        exp_input_root: Absolute path to experiment directory where generated\n                         XML input files for this experiment should be written.\n\n        exp_output_root: Absolute path to root directory for run outputs\n                         for this experiment.\n\n        cmdopts: Dictionary containing parsed cmdline options.\n\n    '
__init__(cmdopts: Dict[str, Any], criteria: BatchCriteria, template_ipath: Path, exp_input_root: Path, exp_output_root: Path, exp_num: int) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.core.generators.exp_creator'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_create_exp_run(run_exp_def: XMLExpDef, cmds_generator, run_num: int) None[source]
_get_launch_file_stempath(run_num: int) Path[source]

File is named as <template input file stem>_run<run_num>.

_update_cmds_file(cmds_file, cmds_generator: IExpRunShellCmdsGenerator, paradigm: str, run_num: int, launch_stem_path: Path, for_host: str) None[source]

Add command to launch a given experimental run to the command file.

from_def(exp_def: XMLExpDef)[source]

Create all experimental runs by writing input files to filesystem.

The passed XMLExpDef object contains all changes that should be made to all runs in the experiment. Additional changes to create a set of unique runs from which distributions of system behavior can be meaningfully computed post-hoc are added.

class sierra.core.generators.exp_creator.BatchExpCreator(criteria: BatchCriteria, cmdopts: Dict[str, Any])[source]

Instantiate a Batch Experiment.

Calls ExpCreator on each experimental definition in the batch


Absolute path to the root template XML configuration file.


Root directory for all generated XML input files all experiments should be stored (relative to current dir or absolute). Each experiment will get a directory within this root to store the xml input files for the experimental runs comprising an experiment; directory name determined by the batch criteria used.


Root directory for all experiment outputs. Each experiment will get a directory ‘exp<n>’ in this directory for its outputs.


BatchCriteria derived object instance created from cmdline definition.


Inheritance diagram of BatchExpCreator
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'sierra.core.generators.exp_creator', '__doc__': "Instantiate a :term:`Batch Experiment`.\n\n    Calls :class:`~sierra.core.generators.exp_creator.ExpCreator` on each\n    experimental definition in the batch\n\n    Attributes:\n\n        batch_config_template: Absolute path to the root template XML\n                               configuration file.\n\n        batch_input_root: Root directory for all generated XML input files all\n                          experiments should be stored (relative to current dir\n                          or absolute). Each experiment will get a directory\n                          within this root to store the xml input files for the\n                          experimental runs comprising an experiment; directory\n                          name determined by the batch criteria used.\n\n        batch_output_root: Root directory for all experiment outputs. Each\n                           experiment will get a directory 'exp<n>' in this\n                           directory for its outputs.\n\n        criteria: :class:`~sierra.core.variables.batch_criteria.BatchCriteria`\n                  derived object instance created from cmdline definition.\n\n    ", '__init__': <function BatchExpCreator.__init__>, 'create': <function BatchExpCreator.create>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'BatchExpCreator' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BatchExpCreator' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
__doc__ = "Instantiate a :term:`Batch Experiment`.\n\n    Calls :class:`~sierra.core.generators.exp_creator.ExpCreator` on each\n    experimental definition in the batch\n\n    Attributes:\n\n        batch_config_template: Absolute path to the root template XML\n                               configuration file.\n\n        batch_input_root: Root directory for all generated XML input files all\n                          experiments should be stored (relative to current dir\n                          or absolute). Each experiment will get a directory\n                          within this root to store the xml input files for the\n                          experimental runs comprising an experiment; directory\n                          name determined by the batch criteria used.\n\n        batch_output_root: Root directory for all experiment outputs. Each\n                           experiment will get a directory 'exp<n>' in this\n                           directory for its outputs.\n\n        criteria: :class:`~sierra.core.variables.batch_criteria.BatchCriteria`\n                  derived object instance created from cmdline definition.\n\n    "
__init__(criteria: BatchCriteria, cmdopts: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]
__module__ = 'sierra.core.generators.exp_creator'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

create(generator: BatchExpDefGenerator) None[source]