Source code for sierra.plugins.platform.argos.variables.physics_engines

# Copyright 2018 John Harwell, All rights reserved.
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

"""Classes mapping an extent to a set of non-overlapping ARGoS physics engines.

Extent does not have to be the whole arena. 2D and 3D engines.


# Core packages
import typing as tp
import logging

# 3rd party packages
import implements

# Project packages
from sierra.core.variables.base_variable import IBaseVariable
from sierra.core.utils import ArenaExtent
from sierra.core.experiment import xml
from sierra.core import types, config

[docs]@implements.implements(IBaseVariable) class PhysicsEngines(): """Defines 2D/3D physics engines within ARGoS and how they are laid out. Attributes: engine_type: The type of physics engine to use (one supported by ARGoS). n_engines: # of engines. Can be one of [1,4,8,16,24]. iter_per_tick: # of iterations physics engines should perform per tick. layout: Engine arrangement method. Can be one of: - ``uniform_grid2D``: Arrange the engines in a uniform 2D grid that extends up to the maximum height in Z. For 2D engines, this is the maximum height of objects that can be present in the arena (I think). extents: List of (X,Y,Zs) tuple of dimensions of area to assign to engines of the specified type. """
[docs] def __init__(self, engine_type: str, n_engines: int, iter_per_tick: int, layout: str, extents: tp.List[ArenaExtent]) -> None: self.engine_type = engine_type self.n_engines = n_engines self.iter_per_tick = iter_per_tick self.layout = layout self.extents = extents self.tag_adds = [] # type: tp.List[xml.TagAddList] # If we are given multiple extents to map, we need to divide the # specified # of engines among them. self.n_engines = int(self.n_engines / float(len(self.extents))) assert self.layout == 'uniform_grid2D',\ "Only uniform_grid2D physics engine layout currently supported" self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def gen_attr_changelist(self) -> tp.List[xml.AttrChangeSet]: """ No effect. All tags/attributes are either deleted or added. """ return []
[docs] def gen_tag_rmlist(self) -> tp.List[xml.TagRmList]: """Remove the ``<physics_engines>`` tag if it exists may be desirable. Obviously you *must* call this function BEFORE adding new definitions. """ return [xml.TagRmList(xml.TagRm(".", "./physics_engines"))]
[docs] def gen_tag_addlist(self) -> tp.List[xml.TagAddList]: self.logger.debug("Mapping %s physics engines of type %s to extents=%s", self.n_engines, self.engine_type, [str(s) for s in self.extents]) if not self.tag_adds: if self.n_engines == 1: self.tag_adds = [self._gen1_engines()] elif self.n_engines == 2: self.tag_adds = [self._gen2_engines(s) for s in self.extents] elif self.n_engines == 4: self.tag_adds = [self._gen4_engines(s) for s in self.extents] elif self.n_engines == 6: self.tag_adds = [self._gen6_engines(s) for s in self.extents] elif self.n_engines == 8: self.tag_adds = [self._gen8_engines(s) for s in self.extents] elif self.n_engines == 12: self.tag_adds = [self._gen12_engines(s) for s in self.extents] elif self.n_engines == 16: self.tag_adds = [self._gen16_engines(s) for s in self.extents] elif self.n_engines == 24: self.tag_adds = [self._gen24_engines(s) for s in self.extents] else: raise RuntimeError( "Bad # of physics engines specified: {0}".format(self.n_engines)) return self.tag_adds
[docs] def gen_files(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def _gen_all_engines(self, extent: ArenaExtent, n_engines_x: int, n_engines_y: int, forward_engines: tp.List[int]) -> xml.TagAddList: """Generate definitions for the specified # of engines for the extent. """ adds = xml.TagAddList(xml.TagAdd('.', 'physics_engines', {}, False)) for i in range(0, self.n_engines): adds.extend(self.gen_single_engine(i, extent, n_engines_x, n_engines_y, forward_engines)) return adds
[docs] def gen_single_engine(self, engine_id: int, extent: ArenaExtent, n_engines_x: int, n_engines_y: int, forward_engines: tp.List[int]) -> xml.TagAddList: """ Generate definitions for a specific 2D/3D engine. Volume is *NOT* divided equally among engines, but rather each of the engines is extended up to some maximum height in Z, forming a set of "silos". Arguments: engine_id: Numerical UUID for the engine. extent: The mapped extent for ALL physics engines. exceptions: List of lists of points defining polygons which should NOT be managed by any of the engines currently being processed. n_engines_x: # engines in the x direction. n_engines_y: # engines in the y direction. forward_engines: IDs of engines that are placed in increasing order in X when layed out L->R. """ adds = xml.TagAddList() size_x = extent.xsize() / n_engines_x size_y = extent.ysize() / n_engines_y size_z = extent.zsize() name = self._gen_engine_name(engine_id) adds.append(xml.TagAdd('.//physics_engines', self.engine_type, { 'id': name, 'iterations': str(self.iter_per_tick) }, True)) adds.append(xml.TagAdd(f".//physics_engines/*[@id='{name}']", "boundaries", {}, True)) adds.append(xml.TagAdd(f".//physics_engines/*[@id='{name}']/boundaries", "top", { 'height': str(size_z) }, True)) adds.append(xml.TagAdd(f".//physics_engines/*[@id='{name}']/boundaries", "bottom", { 'height': '0.0' }, True)) adds.append(xml.TagAdd(f".//physics_engines/*[@id='{name}']/boundaries", "sides", {}, True)) # Engine lower X coord increasing as engine id increases if engine_id in forward_engines: ll_x = extent.ll.x + size_x * (engine_id % n_engines_x) lr_x = extent.ll.x + size_x * ((engine_id % n_engines_x) + 1) else: # Engine lower X coord increasing as engine id DECREASES ll_x = extent.ll.x + size_x * \ (n_engines_x - (engine_id % n_engines_x) - 1) lr_x = extent.ll.x + size_x * \ ((n_engines_x - (engine_id % n_engines_x) - 1) + 1) ur_x = lr_x ul_x = ll_x # We use the max of # engines in X/Y to get the nice numbering/layout of # engines. ll_y = extent.ll.y + size_y * \ (int(engine_id / max(n_engines_x, n_engines_y))) ul_y = extent.ll.y + size_y * \ (int(engine_id / max(n_engines_x, n_engines_y)) + 1) lr_y = ll_y ur_y = ul_y # Adjust vertex list to account for any overlap with entries on the # exception list vertices = [(ll_x, ll_y), (lr_x, lr_y), (ur_x, ur_y), (ul_x, ul_y)] for v in vertices: adds.append(xml.TagAdd(f".//physics_engines/*[@id='{name}']/boundaries/sides", "vertex", { "point": "{0}, {1}".format(v[0], v[1]) }, True)) return adds
[docs] def _gen1_engines(self) -> xml.TagAddList: """Generate definitions for 1 physics engine for the specified extent. """ name = self._gen_engine_name(0) return xml.TagAddList(xml.TagAdd('.', 'physics_engines', {}, False), xml.TagAdd(".//physics_engines", self.engine_type, { 'id': name }, True))
[docs] def _gen2_engines(self, extent: ArenaExtent) -> xml.TagAddList: """Generate definitions for 2 physics engines for the specified extents. Engines are layed out as follows in 2D, regardless if they are 2D or 3D engines: 0 1 Volume is *NOT* divided equally among 3D engines, but rather each of the engines is extended up to some maximum height in Z, forming a set of "silos". """ return self._gen_all_engines(extent, n_engines_x=2, n_engines_y=1, forward_engines=[])
[docs] def _gen4_engines(self, extent: ArenaExtent) -> xml.TagAddList: """Generate definitions for 4 physics engines for the specified extent. Engines are layed out as follows in 2D, regardless if they are 2D or 3D engines: 3 2 0 1 Volume is *NOT* divided equally among 3D engines, but rather each of the engines is extended up to some maximum height in Z, forming a set of "silos". """ return self._gen_all_engines(extent, n_engines_x=2, n_engines_y=2, forward_engines=[0, 1])
[docs] def _gen6_engines(self, extent: ArenaExtent) -> xml.TagAddList: """Generate definitions for 6 physics engines for the specified extent. Engines are layed out as follows in 2D, regardless if they are 2D or 3D engines: 5 4 3 0 1 2 Volume is *NOT* divided equally among 3D engines, but rather each of the engines is extended up to some maximum height in Z, forming a set of "silos". """ return self._gen_all_engines(extent, n_engines_x=3, n_engines_y=2, forward_engines=[0, 1, 2])
[docs] def _gen8_engines(self, extent: ArenaExtent) -> xml.TagAddList: """Generate definitions for 8 physics engines for the specified extent. The 2D layout is: 7 6 5 4 0 1 2 3 Volume is *NOT* divided equally among 3D engines, but rather each of the engines is extended up to some maximum height in Z, forming a set of "silos". """ return self._gen_all_engines(extent, n_engines_x=4, n_engines_y=2, forward_engines=[0, 1, 2, 3])
[docs] def _gen12_engines(self, extent: ArenaExtent) -> xml.TagAddList: """Generate definitions for 12 physics engines for the specified extent. The 2D layout is: 8 9 10 11 7 6 5 4 0 1 2 3 Volume is *NOT* divided equally among 3D engines, but rather each of the engines is extended up to some maximum height in Z, forming a set of "silos". """ return self._gen_all_engines(extent, n_engines_x=4, n_engines_y=3, forward_engines=[0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11])
[docs] def _gen16_engines(self, extent: ArenaExtent) -> xml.TagAddList: """Generate definitions for 16 physics engines for the specified extent. The 2D layout is: 15 14 13 12 8 9 10 11 7 6 5 4 0 1 2 3 Volume is *NOT* divided equally among 3D engines, but rather each of the engines is extended up to some maximum height in Z, forming a set of "silos". """ return self._gen_all_engines(extent, n_engines_x=4, n_engines_y=4, forward_engines=[0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11])
[docs] def _gen24_engines(self, extent: ArenaExtent) -> xml.TagAddList: """Generate definitions for 16 physics engines for the specified extent. The 2D layout is: 23 22 21 20 19 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 10 9 8 7 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 Volume is *NOT* divided equally among 3D engines, but rather each of the engines is extended up to some maximum height in Z, forming a set of "silos". """ return self._gen_all_engines(extent, n_engines_x=6, n_engines_y=4, forward_engines=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17])
[docs] def _gen_engine_name(self, engine_id: int) -> str: """Generate the unique ID for an engine. ID is comprised of a type + numeric identifier of the engine. """ return self._gen_engine_name_stem() + str(engine_id)
[docs] def _gen_engine_name_stem(self) -> str: """ Generate the name stem for the specified engine type. """ if self.engine_type == 'dynamics3d': return 'dyn3d' elif self.engine_type == 'pointmass3d': return 'pm3d' elif self.engine_type == 'dynamics2d': return 'dyn2d' else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class PhysicsEngines2D(PhysicsEngines): """ Specialization of :class:`PhysicsEngines` for 2D. """
[docs] def __init__(self, engine_type: str, n_engines: int, spatial_hash_info: tp.Optional[tp.Dict[str, tp.Any]], iter_per_tick: int, layout: str, extents: tp.List[ArenaExtent]) -> None: PhysicsEngines.__init__(self, engine_type, n_engines, iter_per_tick, layout, extents) self.spatial_hash_info = spatial_hash_info
[docs] def gen_single_engine(self, engine_id: int, extent: ArenaExtent, n_engines_x: int, n_engines_y: int, forward_engines: tp.List[int]) -> xml.TagAddList: adds = super().gen_single_engine(engine_id, extent, n_engines_x, n_engines_y, forward_engines) if self.engine_type == 'dynamics2d' and self.spatial_hash_info is not None: name = self._gen_engine_name(engine_id) adds.append(xml.TagAdd(f".//physics_engines/*[@id='{name}']", "spatial_hash", { 'cell_size': str(self.spatial_hash_info['cell_size']), 'cell_num': str(self.spatial_hash_info['cell_num']) }, True)) return adds
[docs]class PhysicsEngines3D(PhysicsEngines): """ Specialization of :class:`PhysicsEngines` for 3D. """
[docs] def __init__(self, engine_type: str, n_engines: int, iter_per_tick: int, layout: str, extents: tp.List[ArenaExtent]) -> None: PhysicsEngines.__init__(self, engine_type, n_engines, iter_per_tick, layout, extents)
def factory(engine_type: str, n_engines: int, n_robots: tp.Optional[int], robot_type: str, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts, extents: tp.List[ArenaExtent]) -> PhysicsEngines: """ Create a physics engine mapping onto a list of arena extents for 2D or 3D. """ # Right now the 2D and 3D variants are the same, but that is unlikely to # remain so in the future, so we employ a factory function to make # implementation of diverging functionality easier later. if '2d' in engine_type: if n_robots and cmdopts['physics_spatial_hash2D']: spatial_hash = { # Per ARGoS documentation in 'argos3 -q dynamics2d' 'cell_size': config.kARGoS['spatial_hash2D'][robot_type], 'cell_num': n_robots / float(n_engines) * 10 } logging.debug(("Using 2D spatial hash for physics engines: " "cell_size=%f,cell_num=%d"), spatial_hash['cell_size'], spatial_hash['cell_num']) else: spatial_hash = None return PhysicsEngines2D(engine_type, n_engines, spatial_hash, cmdopts['physics_iter_per_tick'], 'uniform_grid2D', extents) else: return PhysicsEngines3D(engine_type, n_engines, cmdopts['physics_iter_per_tick'], 'uniform_grid2D', extents) __api__ = [ 'PhysicsEngines', 'PhysicsEngines2D', 'PhysicsEngines3D', ]