Source code for sierra.plugins.hpc.local.plugin

# Copyright 2020 John Harwell, All rights reserved.
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""HPC plugin for running SIERRA locally.

Not necessarily HPC, but it fits well enough under that semantic umbrella.


# Core packages
import typing as tp
import shutil
import pathlib

# 3rd party packages
import implements

# Project packages
from sierra.core import types
from sierra.core.experiment import bindings

[docs]@implements.implements(bindings.IExpShellCmdsGenerator) class ExpShellCmdsGenerator(): """ Generate the command to invoke GNU parallel for local HPC. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts, exp_num: int) -> None: self.cmdopts = cmdopts
[docs] def pre_exp_cmds(self) -> tp.List[types.ShellCmdSpec]: return []
[docs] def post_exp_cmds(self) -> tp.List[types.ShellCmdSpec]: return []
[docs] def exec_exp_cmds(self, exec_opts: types.StrDict) -> tp.List[types.ShellCmdSpec]: resume = '' # This can't be --resume, because then GNU parallel looks at the results # directory, and if there is stuff in it, (apparently) assumes that the # job finished... if exec_opts['exec_resume']: resume = '--resume-failed' # Make sure GNU parallel uses the right shell, because it seems to # defaults to /bin/sh since all cmds are run in a python shell which # does not have $SHELL set. shell = shutil.which('bash') use_bash = types.ShellCmdSpec(cmd=f'export PARALLEL_SHELL={shell}', shell=True, wait=True, env=True) parallel = 'parallel {1} ' \ '--jobs {2} ' \ '--results {0} '\ '--joblog {3} '\ '--no-notice < "{4}"' log = pathlib.Path(exec_opts['scratch_dir'], "parallel.log") parallel = parallel.format(exec_opts['scratch_dir'], resume, exec_opts['n_jobs'], log, exec_opts['cmdfile_stem_path'] + exec_opts['cmdfile_ext']) parallel_spec = types.ShellCmdSpec(cmd=parallel, shell=True, wait=True) return [use_bash, parallel_spec]
__api__ = [ 'ExpShellCmdsGenerator' ]