Source code for sierra.core.plugin

# Copyright 2021 John Harwell, All rights reserved.
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Sanity checks for verifying selected plugins.

Checks that selected plugins implement the necessary classes and
 functions. Currently checkes: ``--storage-medium``, ``--exec-env``, and


# Core packages
import inspect
import logging

# 3rd party packages

# Project packages

[docs]def storage_sanity_checks(module) -> None: """ Check the selected ``--storage-medium`` plugin. """ logging.trace("Verifying --storage-medium plugin interface") # type: ignore functions = ['df_read', 'df_write'] in_module = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isfunction) for f in functions: assert (any(f in name for (name, _) in in_module)),\ f"Storage medium plugin does not define {f}"
[docs]def exec_env_sanity_checks(module) -> None: """ Check the selected ``--exec-env`` plugin. """ logging.trace("Verifying --exec-env plugin interface") # type: ignore in_module = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass) opt_classes = ['ParsedCmdlineConfigurer', 'ExpRunShellCmdsGenerator', 'ExpShellCmdsGenerator', 'ExecEnvChecker'] for c in opt_classes: if not any(c in name for (name, _) in in_module): logging.debug(("Execution environment plugin '%s' does not define " "'%s'"), module.__name__, c)
[docs]def platform_sanity_checks(module) -> None: """ Check the selected ``--platform`` plugin. """ logging.trace("Verifying --platform plugin interface") # type: ignore req_classes = ['ExpConfigurer', 'CmdlineParserGenerator' ] req_functions = ['population_size_from_def', 'population_size_from_pickle', ] opt_classes = ['ParsedCmdlineConfigurer', 'ExpRunShellCmdsGenerator', 'ExpShellCmdsGenerator', 'ExecEnvChecker'] opt_functions = ['robot_prefix_extract', 'arena_dims_from_criteria'] in_module = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass) for c in req_classes: assert (any(c in name for (name, _) in in_module)),\ f"Platform plugin '{module.__name__}' does not define '{c}'" for f in opt_classes: if not any(f in name for (name, _) in in_module): logging.debug(("Platform plugin '%s' not define define '%s'" "--some SIERRA functionality may not be available. " "See docs for details."), module.__name__, f) in_module = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isfunction) for f in req_functions: assert (any(f in name for (name, _) in in_module)),\ f"Platform plugin '{module.__name__}' does not define '{f}()'" for f in opt_functions: if not any(f in name for (name, _) in in_module): logging.debug(("Platform plugin '%s' not define define '%s()'" "--some SIERRA functionality may not be available. " "See docs for details."), module.__name__, f)
__api__ = { 'storage_sanity_checks', 'exec_env_sanity_checks', 'platform_sanity_checks' }