Source code for sierra.core.platform

# Copyright 2021 John Harwell, All rights reserved.
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Terminal interface for pltaform plugins.

Classes for generating the commands to run :term:`experiments <Batch
Experiment>` on multiple :term:`platforms <Platform>` using multiple execution


# Core packages
import os
import typing as tp
import subprocess
import shutil
import argparse
import socket
import logging
import pwd
import re
import pathlib

# 3rd party packages
import implements
import netifaces

# Project packages
import sierra.core.plugin_manager as pm
from sierra.core import config, types, utils
from sierra.core.experiment import bindings
import sierra.core.variables.batch_criteria as bc

[docs]class CmdlineParserGenerator(): """ Dispatcher to generate additional platform-dependent cmdline arguments. """
[docs] def __init__(self, platform: str) -> None: module = pm.pipeline.get_plugin_module(platform) self.platform = module.CmdlineParserGenerator()
[docs] def __call__(self) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: return self.platform()
[docs]@implements.implements(bindings.IExpRunShellCmdsGenerator) class ExpRunShellCmdsGenerator(): """Dispatcher for shell cmd generation for an :term:`Experimental Run`. Dispatches generation to the selected platform and execution environment. Called during stage 1 to add shell commands which should be run immediately before and after the shell command to actually execute a single :term:`Experimental Run` to the commands file to be fed to whatever the tool a given execution environment environment uses to run cmds (e.g., GNU parallel). """
[docs] def __init__(self, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts, criteria: bc.BatchCriteria, n_robots: int, exp_num: int) -> None: self.cmdopts = cmdopts self.criteria = criteria module = pm.pipeline.get_plugin_module(self.cmdopts['platform']) if hasattr(module, 'ExpRunShellCmdsGenerator'): self.platform = module.ExpRunShellCmdsGenerator(self.cmdopts, self.criteria, n_robots, exp_num) else: self.platform = None module = pm.pipeline.get_plugin_module(self.cmdopts['exec_env']) if hasattr(module, 'ExpRunShellCmdsGenerator'): self.env = module.ExpRunShellCmdsGenerator(self.cmdopts, self.criteria, n_robots, exp_num) else: self.env = None
[docs] def pre_run_cmds(self, host: str, input_fpath: pathlib.Path, run_num: int) -> tp.List[types.ShellCmdSpec]: cmds = [] if self.platform: cmds.extend(self.platform.pre_run_cmds(host, input_fpath, run_num)) if self.env: cmds.extend(self.env.pre_run_cmds(host, input_fpath, run_num)) return cmds
[docs] def exec_run_cmds(self, host: str, input_fpath: pathlib.Path, run_num: int) -> tp.List[types.ShellCmdSpec]: cmds = [] if self.platform: cmds.extend(self.platform.exec_run_cmds(host, input_fpath, run_num)) if self.env: cmds.extend(self.env.exec_run_cmds(host, input_fpath, run_num)) return cmds
[docs] def post_run_cmds(self, host: str) -> tp.List[types.ShellCmdSpec]: cmds = [] if self.platform: cmds.extend(self.platform.post_run_cmds(host)) if self.env: cmds.extend(self.env.post_run_cmds(host)) return cmds
[docs]@implements.implements(bindings.IExpShellCmdsGenerator) class ExpShellCmdsGenerator(): """Dispatcher for shell cmd generation for an :term:`Experiment`. Dispatches generation to the selected platform and execution environment. Called during stage 2 to run shell commands immediately before running a given :term:`Experiment`, to run shell commands to actually run the experiment, and to run shell commands immediately after the experiment finishes. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts, exp_num: int) -> None: self.cmdopts = cmdopts self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) module = pm.pipeline.get_plugin_module(self.cmdopts['platform']) if hasattr(module, 'ExpShellCmdsGenerator'): self.logger.debug(("Skipping generating experiment shell commands " "for --platform=%s"), self.cmdopts['platform']) self.platform = module.ExpShellCmdsGenerator(self.cmdopts, exp_num) else: self.platform = None module = pm.pipeline.get_plugin_module(self.cmdopts['exec_env']) if hasattr(module, 'ExpShellCmdsGenerator'): self.logger.debug(("Skipping generating experiment shell commands " "for --exec-env=%s"), self.cmdopts['exec_env']) self.env = module.ExpShellCmdsGenerator(self.cmdopts, exp_num) else: self.env = None
[docs] def pre_exp_cmds(self) -> tp.List[types.ShellCmdSpec]: cmds = [] if self.platform: cmds.extend(self.platform.pre_exp_cmds()) if self.env: cmds.extend(self.env.pre_exp_cmds()) return cmds
[docs] def exec_exp_cmds(self, exec_opts: types.StrDict) -> tp.List[types.ShellCmdSpec]: cmds = [] if self.platform: cmds.extend(self.platform.exec_exp_cmds(exec_opts)) if self.env: cmds.extend(self.env.exec_exp_cmds(exec_opts)) return cmds
[docs] def post_exp_cmds(self) -> tp.List[types.ShellCmdSpec]: cmds = [] if self.platform: cmds.extend(self.platform.post_exp_cmds()) if self.env: cmds.extend(self.env.post_exp_cmds()) return cmds
[docs]class ParsedCmdlineConfigurer(): """Dispatcher for configuring the cmdopts dictionary. Dispatches configuring to the selected platform and execution environment. Called before the pipeline starts to add new/modify existing cmdline arguments after initial parsing. """
[docs] def __init__(self, platform: str, exec_env: str) -> None: self.platform = platform self.exec_env = exec_env self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) module = pm.pipeline.get_plugin_module(self.platform) if hasattr(module, 'ParsedCmdlineConfigurer'): self.platformg = module.ParsedCmdlineConfigurer(exec_env) else: self.platformg = None self.logger.debug("Skipping configuring cmdline from --platform=%s", self.platform) module = pm.pipeline.get_plugin_module(self.exec_env) if hasattr(module, 'ParsedCmdlineConfigurer'): self.envg = module.ParsedCmdlineConfigurer(exec_env) else: self.envg = None self.logger.debug("Skipping configuring cmdline from --exec-env=%s", self.exec_env)
[docs] def __call__(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> argparse.Namespace: # Configure for selected execution enivornment first, to check for # low-level details. args.__dict__['exec_env'] = self.exec_env if self.envg: self.envg(args) # Configure for selected platform args.__dict__['platform'] = self.platform if self.platformg: self.platformg(args) return args
class ExpConfigurer(): """Perform platform-specific configuration for an :term:`Experimental Run`. For things can do programmatically (i.e., without needing a shell). This usually is things like creating directories, etc. Called at the end of stage 1 during for each experimental run. """ def __init__(self, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts) -> None: self.cmdopts = cmdopts module = pm.pipeline.get_plugin_module(cmdopts['platform']) self.platform = module.ExpConfigurer(self.cmdopts) def for_exp_run(self, exp_input_root: pathlib.Path, run_output_dir: pathlib.Path) -> None: self.platform.for_exp_run(exp_input_root, run_output_dir) def for_exp(self, exp_input_root: pathlib.Path) -> None: self.platform.for_exp(exp_input_root) def cmdfile_paradigm(self) -> str: return self.platform.cmdfile_paradigm()
[docs]class ExecEnvChecker(): """Base class for verifying execution environments before running experiments. Platforms and/or execution environments needed to perform verification should derive from this class to use the common functionality present in it. """
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_nodefile(nodefile: str) -> tp.List[types.ParsedNodefileSpec]: ret = [] with utils.utf8open(nodefile, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if parsed := ExecEnvChecker._parse_nodefile_line(line): ret.append(parsed) return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def _parse_nodefile_line(line: str) -> tp.Optional[types.ParsedNodefileSpec]: # Line starts with a comment--no parsing needed comment_re = r"^#" if res :=, line): return None cores_re = r"^[0-9]+/" if res :=, line): cores = int(line.split('/')[0]) ssh = line.split('/')[1] else: cores = 1 ssh = line identifier_re = r"[a-zA-Z0-9_.:]+" port_re = r"ssh -p\s*([0-9]+)" username_at_host_re = f"({identifier_re})+@({identifier_re})" port_and_username_at_host_re = port_re + r"\*s" + username_at_host_re port_and_hostname_re = port_re + rf"\s+({identifier_re})" if res :=, ssh): # They specified the port AND 'username@host' port = int( login = hostname = elif res :=, ssh): # They only specified the port and hostname port = int( hostname = login = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] elif res :=, ssh): # They only specified 'username@host' port = 22 login = hostname = elif res :=, ssh): # They only specified the hostname port = 22 login = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] hostname = else: raise ValueError(f"Bad ssh/hostname spec {ssh}") return types.ParsedNodefileSpec(hostname=hostname, n_cores=cores, login=login, port=port)
[docs] def __init__(self, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts): self.cmdopts = cmdopts self.exec_env = self.cmdopts['exec_env'] self.platform = self.cmdopts['platform'] self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def __call__(self) -> None: module = pm.pipeline.get_plugin_module(self.cmdopts['platform']) if hasattr(module, 'ExecEnvChecker'): module.ExecEnvChecker(self.cmdopts)() module = pm.pipeline.get_plugin_module(self.cmdopts['exec_env']) if hasattr(module, 'ExecEnvChecker'): module.ExecEnvChecker(self.cmdopts)()
[docs] def check_connectivity(self, login: str, hostname: str, port: int, host_type: str) -> None:"Checking connectivity to %s", hostname) ssh_diag = f"{host_type},port={port} via {login}@{hostname}" nc_diag = f"{host_type},port={port} via {hostname}" if self.cmdopts['online_check_method'] == 'ping+ssh': try: self.logger.debug("Attempt to ping %s, type=%s", hostname, host_type) timeout = config.kPlatform['ping_timeout']"ping -c 3 -W {timeout} {hostname}", shell=True, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self.logger.fatal("Unable to ping %s, type=%s", hostname, host_type) raise self.logger.debug("%s is alive, type=%s", hostname, host_type) elif self.cmdopts['online_check_method'] == 'nc+ssh': try: self.logger.debug("Check for ssh tunnel to %s", nc_diag) timeout = config.kPlatform['ping_timeout']"nc -z {hostname} {port}", shell=True, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self.logger.fatal("No ssh tunnel to %s", nc_diag) raise self.logger.debug("ssh tunnel to %s alive", nc_diag) try: self.logger.debug("Verify ssh to %s", ssh_diag)"ssh -p{port} " "-o PasswordAuthentication=no " "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no " "-o BatchMode=yes " f"{login}@{hostname} exit"), shell=True, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self.logger.fatal("Unable to connect to %s", ssh_diag) raise"%s@%s online", host_type, hostname)
[docs] def check_for_simulator(self, name: str): shellname = get_executable_shellname(name) version_cmd = f'{shellname} -v' self.logger.debug("Check version for '%s' via '%s'", shellname, version_cmd) if shutil.which(shellname): res =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) return res else: error = "Bad --exec-env '{0}' for platform '{1}': cannot find '{2}'".format(self.exec_env, self.platform, name) raise RuntimeError(error)
def get_executable_shellname(base: str) -> str: if 'SIERRA_ARCH' in os.environ: arch = os.environ['SIERRA_ARCH'] return f'{base}-{arch}' else: return base def get_free_port() -> int: """Determine a free port using sockets. From Because of TCP TIME_WAIT, close()d ports are still unusable for a few minutes, which will leave plenty of time for SIERRA to assign all unique ports to processes during stage 2. """ s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(('', 0)) # bind to port 0 -> OS allocates free port port = s.getsockname()[1] s.close() return port def get_local_ip(): """ Get the local IP address of the SIERRA host machine. """ active = [] for iface in netifaces.interfaces(): # Active=has a normal IP address (that's what AF_INET means) if socket.AF_INET in netifaces.ifaddresses(iface): active.append(iface) active = list(filter('lo'.__ne__, active)) if len(active) > 1: logging.critical(("SIERRA host machine has > 1 non-loopback IP addresses" "/network interfaces--SIERRA may select the wrong " "one: %s"), active) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.connect(("", 80)) return s.getsockname()[0] __api__ = [ 'CmdlineParserGenerator', 'ExpRunShellCmdsGenerator', 'ExpShellCmdsGenerator', 'ParsedCmdlineConfigurer', 'ExpRunShellCmdsGenerator', 'ExpShellCmdsGenerator', 'ExecEnvChecker', ]