Source code for sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.inter_exp_graph_generator

# Copyright 2018 John Harwell, All rights reserved.
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Classes for generating graphs across experiments in a batch.

# Core packages
import copy
import typing as tp
import logging
import pathlib
import glob
import re

# 3rd party packages
import json

# Project packages
from sierra.core.graphs.stacked_line_graph import StackedLineGraph
from sierra.core.graphs.summary_line_graph import SummaryLineGraph
from sierra.core.graphs.heatmap import Heatmap
from sierra.core.variables import batch_criteria as bc
from sierra.core import types, config, utils

[docs]class InterExpGraphGenerator: """Generates graphs from :term:`Collated .csv` files. Which graphs are generated can be controlled by YAML configuration files parsed in :class:`~sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.pipeline_stage4.PipelineStage4`. This class can be extended/overriden using a :term:`Project` hook. See :ref:`ln-sierra-tutorials-project-hooks` for details. Attributes: cmdopts: Dictionary of parsed cmdline attributes. main_config: Parsed dictionary of main YAML configuration LN_targets: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary defines an inter-experiment linegraph to generate. HM_targets: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary defines an inter-experiment heatmap to generate. logger: The handle to the logger for this class. If you extend this class, you should save/restore this variable in tandem with overriding it in order to get logging messages have unique logger names between this class and your derived class, in order to reduce confusion. """
[docs] def __init__(self, main_config: types.YAMLDict, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts, LN_targets: tp.List[types.YAMLDict], HM_targets: tp.List[types.YAMLDict]) -> None: # Copy because we are modifying it and don't want to mess up the # arguments for graphs that are generated after us self.cmdopts = copy.deepcopy(cmdopts) self.main_config = main_config self.LN_targets = LN_targets self.HM_targets = HM_targets utils.dir_create_checked(self.cmdopts['batch_graph_collate_root'], exist_ok=True) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def __call__(self, criteria: bc.IConcreteBatchCriteria) -> None: """ Generate graphs. Performs the following steps: # . :class:`~sierra.core.pipeline.stage4.inter_exp_graph_generator.LineGraphsGenerator` to generate linegraphs (univariate batch criteria only). """ if criteria.is_univar(): if not self.cmdopts['project_no_LN']: LineGraphsGenerator(self.cmdopts, self.LN_targets).generate(criteria) else: if not self.cmdopts['project_no_HM']: HeatmapsGenerator(self.cmdopts, self.HM_targets).generate(criteria)
[docs]class LineGraphsGenerator: """Generates linegraphs from :term:`Collated .csv` files. The graphs generated by this class respect the ``--exp-range`` cmdline option. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts, targets: tp.List[types.YAMLDict]) -> None: self.cmdopts = cmdopts self.targets = targets self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def generate(self, criteria: bc.IConcreteBatchCriteria) -> None:"LineGraphs from %s", self.cmdopts['batch_stat_collate_root']) graph_root = pathlib.Path(self.cmdopts['batch_graph_collate_root']) # For each category of linegraphs we are generating for category in self.targets: # For each graph in each category for graph in category['graphs']: self.logger.trace('\n' + # type: ignore json.dumps(graph, indent=4)) if graph.get('summary', False): self._gen_summary_linegraph(graph, criteria, graph_root) else: self._gen_stacked_linegraph(graph, criteria, graph_root)
[docs] def _gen_summary_linegraph(self, graph: types.YAMLDict, criteria: bc.IConcreteBatchCriteria, graph_root: pathlib.Path) -> None: opath = graph_root / ('SM-' + graph['dest_stem'] + config.kImageExt) ln = SummaryLineGraph(stats_root=self.cmdopts['batch_stat_collate_root'], input_stem=graph['dest_stem'], output_fpath=opath, stats=self.cmdopts['dist_stats'], model_root=self.cmdopts['batch_model_root'], title=graph['title'], xlabel=criteria.graph_xlabel(self.cmdopts), ylabel=graph.get('ylabel', None), xticks=criteria.graph_xticks(self.cmdopts), xtick_labels=criteria.graph_xticklabels( self.cmdopts), logyscale=self.cmdopts['plot_log_yscale'], large_text=self.cmdopts['plot_large_text']) ln.generate()
[docs] def _gen_stacked_linegraph(self, graph: types.YAMLDict, criteria: bc.IConcreteBatchCriteria, graph_root: pathlib.Path) -> None: opath = graph_root / ('SLN-' + graph['dest_stem'] + config.kImageExt) ln = StackedLineGraph(stats_root=self.cmdopts['batch_stat_collate_root'], input_stem=graph['dest_stem'], output_fpath=opath, stats=self.cmdopts['dist_stats'], dashstyles=graph.get('dashes', None), linestyles=graph.get('lines', None), title=graph['title'], xlabel=graph.get('xlabel', None), ylabel=graph.get('ylabel', None), logyscale=self.cmdopts['plot_log_yscale'], large_text=self.cmdopts['plot_large_text']) ln.generate()
[docs]class HeatmapsGenerator: """Generates heatmaps from :term:`Collated .csv` files. The graphs generated by this class respect the ``--exp-range`` cmdline option. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts, targets: tp.List[types.YAMLDict]) -> None: self.cmdopts = cmdopts self.targets = targets self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.stat_root = pathlib.Path(self.cmdopts['batch_stat_collate_root']) self.graph_root = pathlib.Path(self.cmdopts['batch_graph_collate_root'])
[docs] def generate(self, criteria: bc.IConcreteBatchCriteria) -> None:"Heatmaps from %s", self.stat_root) # For each category of heatmaps we are generating for category in self.targets: # For each graph in each category for graph in category['graphs']: self.logger.trace('\n' + # type: ignore json.dumps(graph, indent=4)) pattern = str(self.stat_root / (graph['dest_stem'] + "*" + config.kStats['mean'].exts['mean'])) specs = {} for f in glob.glob(pattern): if res :='_[0-9]+', f): interval = int([1:]) specs[interval] = pathlib.Path(f) for interval, ipath in specs.items(): self._generate_hm(graph, criteria, interval, ipath)
[docs] def _generate_hm(self, graph: types.YAMLDict, criteria: bc.IConcreteBatchCriteria, interval: int, ipath: pathlib.Path) -> None: odir = self.graph_root / ("HM-" + graph['dest_stem']) odir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) opath = odir / ('HM-{0}_{1}{2}'.format(graph['dest_stem'], interval, config.kImageExt)) if title := graph.get('title', None): title += f" (Interval={interval})" hm = Heatmap(input_fpath=ipath, output_fpath=opath, title=title, xlabel=criteria.graph_xlabel(self.cmdopts), ylabel=criteria.graph_ylabel(self.cmdopts), transpose=self.cmdopts['plot_transpose_graphs'], interpolation=graph.get('interpolation', None), zlabel=graph.get('zlabel', None), large_text=self.cmdopts['plot_large_text']) hm. generate()
__api__ = [ 'InterExpGraphGenerator', 'LineGraphsGenerator', 'HeatmapsGenerator' ]