Source code for sierra.core.pipeline.stage3.imagizer

# Copyright 2019 John Harwell, All rights reserved.
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

"""Classes for creating image files from ``.mean`` files for experiments.

See :ref:`ln-sierra-usage-rendering` for usage documentation.


# Core packages
import multiprocessing as mp
import queue
import logging
import pathlib

# 3rd party packages
import psutil

# Project packages
from sierra.core.graphs.heatmap import Heatmap
import sierra.core.variables.batch_criteria as bc
from sierra.core import types, config, utils

[docs]class BatchExpParallelImagizer: """Generate images for each :term:`Experiment` in the :term:`Batch Experiment`. Ideally this is done in parallel across experiments, but this can be changed to serial if memory on the SIERRA host machine is limited via ``--processing-serial``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, main_config: types.YAMLDict, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts) -> None: self.main_config = main_config self.cmdopts = cmdopts
[docs] def __call__(self, HM_config: types.YAMLDict, criteria: bc.IConcreteBatchCriteria) -> None: exp_to_imagize = utils.exp_range_calc(self.cmdopts, self.cmdopts['batch_output_root'], criteria) q = mp.JoinableQueue() # type: mp.JoinableQueue for exp in exp_to_imagize: leaf = exp_stat_root = pathlib.Path(self.cmdopts['batch_stat_root']) / leaf exp_imagize_root = pathlib.Path( self.cmdopts['batch_imagize_root']) / leaf self._enqueue_for_exp(exp_stat_root, exp_imagize_root, q) if self.cmdopts['processing_serial']: parallelism = 1 else: parallelism = psutil.cpu_count() for _ in range(0, parallelism): p = mp.Process(target=BatchExpParallelImagizer._thread_worker, args=(q, HM_config)) p.start() q.join()
[docs] def _enqueue_for_exp(self, exp_stat_root: pathlib.Path, exp_imagize_root: pathlib.Path, q: mp.JoinableQueue) -> None: for candidate in exp_stat_root.iterdir(): if candidate.is_dir(): imagize_output_root = exp_imagize_root / imagize_opts = { 'input_root': exp_stat_root, 'graph_stem':, 'output_root': imagize_output_root } utils.dir_create_checked(imagize_output_root, exist_ok=True) q.put(imagize_opts)
[docs] @staticmethod def _thread_worker(q: mp.Queue, HM_config: types.YAMLDict) -> None: while True: # Wait for 3 seconds after the queue is empty before bailing try: imagize_opts = q.get(True, 3) ExpImagizer()(HM_config, imagize_opts) q.task_done() except queue.Empty: break
[docs]class ExpImagizer: """Create images from the averaged ``.mean`` files from an experiment. If no ``.mean`` files suitable for averaging are found, nothing is done. See :ref:`ln-sierra-usage-rendering` for per-platform descriptions of what "suitable" means. Arguments: HM_config: Parsed YAML configuration for heatmaps. imagize_opts: Dictionary of imagizing options. """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def __call__(self, HM_config: types.YAMLDict, imagize_opts: dict) -> None: path = imagize_opts['input_root'] / imagize_opts['graph_stem']"Imagizing CSVs in %s...", str(path)) for csv in path.iterdir(): # For each category of heatmaps we are generating match = None for category in HM_config: # For each graph in each category for graph in HM_config[category]['graphs']: if graph['src_stem'] == imagize_opts['graph_stem']: match = graph if match is not None: ipath = csv.with_suffix(config.kStats['mean'].exts['mean']) opath = imagize_opts['output_root'] / ( + config.kImageExt) Heatmap(input_fpath=ipath, output_fpath=opath, title=match['title'], xlabel='X', ylabel='Y').generate() else: self.logger.warning(("No match for graph with src_stem='%s' " "found in configuration"), imagize_opts['graph_stem'])
__api__ = [ 'BatchExpParallelImagizer', 'ExpImagizer' ]