Source code for sierra.core.generators.exp_generators

# Copyright 2018 London Lowmanstone, John Harwell, All rights reserved.
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
"""Experiment generation classes.

Experiment generation modifies the
:class:`~sierra.core.experiment.definition.XMLExpDef` object built from
the specified batch criteria as follows:

- Platform-specific modifications common to all batch experiments
- Project-specific modifications common to all batch experiments
- Modifications generated by the selected controller+scenario

NOTE:: Generated definitions from batch criteria are not handled here; they are
       already generated to scaffold the batch experiment when experiment
       generation is run.


# Core packages
import typing as tp
import logging
import pathlib

# 3rd party packages

# Project packages
import sierra.core.generators.generator_factory as gf
from sierra.core.experiment import spec, definition
from sierra.core import types
import sierra.core.variables.batch_criteria as bc

[docs]class BatchExpDefGenerator: """Generate experiment definitions for a :term:`Batch Experiment`. Does not create the batch experiment after generation. Attributes: batch_config_template: Absolute path to the root template XML configuration file. batch_input_root: Root directory for all generated XML input files all experiments should be stored (relative to current dir or absolute). Each experiment will get a directory within this root to store the xml input files for the set of :term:`Experimental Runs <Experimental Run>` comprising an :term:`Experiment`; directory name determined by the batch criteria used. batch_output_root: Root directory for all experiment outputs (relative to current dir or absolute). Each experiment will get a directory 'exp<n>' in this directory for its outputs. criteria: :class:`~sierra.core.variables.batch_criteria.BatchCriteria` derived object instance created from cmdline definition. controller_name: Name of controller generator to use. scenario_basename: Name of scenario generator to use. """
[docs] def __init__(self, criteria: bc.IConcreteBatchCriteria, controller_name: str, scenario_basename: str, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts) -> None: self.batch_config_template = pathlib.Path(cmdopts['template_input_file']) assert self.batch_config_template.is_file(), \ "'{0}' is not a valid file".format(self.batch_config_template) self.exp_template_stem = self.batch_config_template.stem self.batch_config_extension = None self.batch_input_root = pathlib.Path(cmdopts['batch_input_root']) self.batch_output_root = pathlib.Path(cmdopts['batch_output_root']) self.controller_name = controller_name self.scenario_basename = scenario_basename self.criteria = criteria self.cmdopts = cmdopts self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def generate_defs(self) -> tp.List[definition.XMLExpDef]: """Generate and return the batch experiment definition. Returns: A list of experiment definitions (one for each experiment in the batch). """ scaffold_spec = spec.scaffold_spec_factory(self.criteria) # Create and run generators defs = [] for i in range(0, scaffold_spec.n_exps): generator = self._create_exp_generator(i) self.logger.debug(("Generating scenario+controller changes from " "generator '%s' for exp%s"), self.cmdopts['joint_generator'], i) defs.append(generator.generate()) return defs
[docs] def _create_exp_generator(self, exp_num: int): """ Create the joint scenario+controller generator from command line definitions. Arguments: exp_num: Experiment number in the batch """ exp_spec = spec.ExperimentSpec(self.criteria, exp_num, self.cmdopts) template_fpath = exp_spec.exp_input_root / self.exp_template_stem config_root = pathlib.Path(self.cmdopts['project_config_root']) scenario = gf.scenario_generator_create(controller=self.controller_name, exp_spec=exp_spec, template_input_file=template_fpath, cmdopts=self.cmdopts) controller = gf.controller_generator_create(controller=self.controller_name, config_root=config_root, cmdopts=self.cmdopts, exp_spec=exp_spec) generator = gf.joint_generator_create(scenario=scenario, controller=controller) self.cmdopts['joint_generator'] = generator.joint_name return generator
__api__ = [ 'BatchExpDefGenerator', ]