Source code for sierra.core.experiment.spec

# Copyright 2020 John Harwell, All rights reserved.
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

# Core packages
import typing as tp
import logging
import pathlib

# 3rd party packages

# Project packages
import sierra.core.variables.batch_criteria as bc
from sierra.core.utils import ArenaExtent
from sierra.core.vector import Vector3D
import sierra.core.plugin_manager as pm
from sierra.core import types, config
from sierra.core.experiment import xml

class SimpleBatchScaffoldSpec():
    def __init__(self,
                 criteria: bc.BatchCriteria,
                 log: bool = False) -> None:
        self.criteria = criteria
        self.chgs = criteria.gen_attr_changelist()
        self.adds = criteria.gen_tag_addlist()
        self.rms = criteria.gen_tag_rmlist()
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        self.n_exps = 0

        self.mods = []
        self.is_compound = False

        assert len(self.rms) == 0,\
            "Batch criteria cannot remove XML tags"

        if self.chgs:
            self.mods = self.chgs
            self.n_exps = len(self.chgs)
            if log:
      "Calculating scaffold: cli='%s': Modify %s "
                                  "XML tags per experiment"),
        elif self.adds:
            self.mods = self.adds
            self.n_exps = len(self.adds)
            if log:
      "Calculating scaffold: cli='%s': Add %s XML "
                                  "tags per experiment"),
            raise RuntimeError(("This spec can't be used with compound "

    def __iter__(self) -> tp.Iterator[tp.Union[xml.AttrChangeSet,
        return iter(self.mods)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return self.n_exps

class CompoundBatchScaffoldSpec():
    def __init__(self,
                 criteria: bc.BatchCriteria,
                 log: bool = False) -> None:
        self.criteria = criteria
        self.chgs = criteria.gen_attr_changelist()
        self.adds = criteria.gen_tag_addlist()
        self.rms = criteria.gen_tag_rmlist()
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        self.n_exps = 0

        self.is_compound = True
        self.mods = []

        assert len(self.rms) == 0,\
            "Batch criteria cannot remove XML tags"

        if self.chgs and self.adds:
            for addlist in self.adds:
                for chgset in self.chgs:
                    t = addlist, chgset
                    self.n_exps += 1

            if log:
      "Calculating scaffold: cli='%s': Add  "
                                  "%s XML tags AND modify %s XML tags per "
                                  "per experiment"),

            raise RuntimeError(("This spec can only be used with compound "

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return self.n_exps

[docs]class ExperimentSpec(): """ The specification for a single experiment with a batch. In the interest of DRY, this class collects the following common components: - Experiment # within the batch - Root input directory for all :term:`Experimental Run` input files comprising the :term:`Experiment` - Pickle file path for the experiment - Arena dimensions for the experiment - Full scenario name """
[docs] def __init__(self, criteria: bc.IConcreteBatchCriteria, exp_num: int, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts) -> None: self.exp_num = exp_num exp_name = criteria.gen_exp_names(cmdopts)[exp_num] self.exp_input_root = pathlib.Path(cmdopts['batch_input_root'], exp_name) self.exp_def_fpath = self.exp_input_root / config.kPickleLeaf self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.criteria = criteria from_bivar_bc1 = False from_bivar_bc2 = False from_univar_bc = False if criteria.is_bivar(): bivar = tp.cast(bc.BivarBatchCriteria, criteria) from_bivar_bc1 = hasattr(bivar.criteria1, 'exp_scenario_name') from_bivar_bc2 = hasattr(bivar.criteria2, 'exp_scenario_name') else: from_univar_bc = hasattr(criteria, 'exp_scenario_name') # Need to get per-experiment arena dimensions from batch criteria, as # they might be different for each experiment if from_univar_bc: self.arena_dim = criteria.arena_dims(cmdopts)[exp_num] self.scenario_name = criteria.exp_scenario_name(exp_num) self.logger.debug("Read scenario dimensions '%s' from univariate batch criteria", self.arena_dim) elif from_bivar_bc1 or from_bivar_bc2: self.arena_dim = criteria.arena_dims(cmdopts)[exp_num] self.logger.debug("Read scenario dimensions '%s' bivariate batch criteria", self.arena_dim) self.scenario_name = criteria.exp_scenario_name(exp_num) else: # Default case: scenario dimensions read from cmdline sgp = pm.module_load_tiered(project=cmdopts['project'], path='generators.scenario_generator_parser') kw = sgp.ScenarioGeneratorParser().to_dict(cmdopts['scenario']) self.arena_dim = ArenaExtent( Vector3D(kw['arena_x'], kw['arena_y'], kw['arena_z'])) self.logger.debug("Read scenario dimensions %s from cmdline spec", self.arena_dim) self.scenario_name = cmdopts['scenario']
def scaffold_spec_factory(criteria: bc.BatchCriteria, **kwargs) -> tp.Union[SimpleBatchScaffoldSpec, CompoundBatchScaffoldSpec]: chgs = criteria.gen_attr_changelist() adds = criteria.gen_tag_addlist() if chgs and adds: logging.debug("Create compound batch experiment scaffolding for '%s'", criteria.cli_arg) return CompoundBatchScaffoldSpec(criteria, **kwargs) else: logging.debug("Create simple batch experiment scaffolding for '%s'", criteria.cli_arg) return SimpleBatchScaffoldSpec(criteria, **kwargs) __api__ = ['ExperimentSpec']