Source code for sierra.core.utils

# Copyright 2018 John Harwell, All rights reserved.
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

"""Miscellaneous bits used in mutiple places but that don't fit anywhere else.


# Core packages
import typing as tp
import time
import logging
import pickle
import functools
import pathlib

# 3rd party packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from retry import retry

# Project packages
from sierra.core.vector import Vector3D
from sierra.core.experiment import xml, definition
from sierra.core import types, config
from sierra.core import plugin_manager as pm

[docs]class ArenaExtent(): """Representation of a 2D or 3D section/chunk/volume of the arena."""
[docs] @staticmethod def from_corners(ll: Vector3D, ur: Vector3D) -> 'ArenaExtent': """Initialize an extent via LL and UR corners. As opposed to an origin and a set of dimensions. """ return ArenaExtent(ur - ll, ll)
[docs] def __init__(self, dims: Vector3D, origin: Vector3D = Vector3D()) -> None: self._origin = origin self.dims = dims self.ll = origin self.ur = origin + dims = origin + dims / 2.0
[docs] def contains(self, pt: Vector3D) -> bool: return pt >= self.ll and pt <= self.ur
[docs] def area(self) -> float: return self.dims.x * self.dims.y
[docs] def xsize(self) -> int: return self.dims.x
[docs] def ysize(self) -> int: return self.dims.y
[docs] def zsize(self) -> int: return self.dims.z
[docs] def origin(self) -> Vector3D: return self._origin
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.dims) + '@' + str(self._origin)
[docs]class Sigmoid(): """ Sigmoid activation function. .. math:: f(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}} """
[docs] def __init__(self, x: float) -> None: self.x = x
[docs] def __call__(self) -> float: if self.x < 0: # Equivalent, and numerically stable for large negative # exponents. If you don't case the sigmoid, you get overflow errors # at runtime. return 1.0 - 1.0 / (1 + np.exp(self.x)) # type: ignore else: return 1.0 / (1 + np.exp(-self.x)) # type: ignore
[docs]class ReLu(): r""" Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation function. .. math:: \begin{aligned} f(x) = max(0,x) &= x \textit{if} x > 0 &= 0 \textit{else} \end{aligned} """
[docs] def __init__(self, x: float): self.x = x
[docs] def __call__(self): return max(0, self.x)
def scale_minmax(minval: float, maxval: float, val: float) -> float: """ Scale values from range [minval, maxval] -> [-1,1]. .. math:: -1 + (value - minval) * (1 - \frac{-1}{maxval - minval}) """ return -1.0 + (val - minval) * (1 - (-1)) / (maxval - minval)
[docs]def dir_create_checked(path: tp.Union[pathlib.Path, str], exist_ok: bool) -> None: """Create a directory idempotently. If the directory exists and it shouldn't, raise an error. """ if not isinstance(path, pathlib.Path): path = pathlib.Path(path) try: path.mkdir(exist_ok=exist_ok, parents=True) except FileExistsError: logging.fatal("%s already exists! Not overwriting", str(path)) raise
[docs]def path_exists(path: tp.Union[pathlib.Path, str]) -> bool: """ Check if a path exists, trying multiple times. This is necessary for working on HPC systems where if a given directory/filesystem is under heavy pressure the first check or two might time out as the FS goes and executes the query over the network. """ res = [] if not isinstance(path, pathlib.Path): path = pathlib.Path(path) for _ in range(0, 10): if path.exists(): res.append(True) else: res.append(False) time.sleep(0.001) return max(set(res), key=res.count)
[docs]def get_primary_axis(criteria, primary_axis_bc: tp.List, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts) -> int: """ Determine axis in a bivariate batch criteria is the primary axis. This is obtained on a per-query basis depending on the query context, or can be overriden on the cmdline. """ if cmdopts['plot_primary_axis'] == 0: return 0 if cmdopts['plot_primary_axis'] == 1: return 1 if any(isinstance(criteria.criteria1, elt) for elt in primary_axis_bc): return 0 return 1
[docs]def exp_range_calc(cmdopts: types.Cmdopts, root_dir: pathlib.Path, criteria) -> types.PathList: """ Get the range of experiments to run/do stuff with. SUPER USEFUL. """ exp_all = [root_dir / d for d in criteria.gen_exp_names(cmdopts)] exp_range = cmdopts['exp_range'] if cmdopts['exp_range'] is not None: min_exp = int(exp_range.split(':')[0]) max_exp = int(exp_range.split(':')[1]) assert min_exp <= max_exp, \ f"Min batch exp >= max batch exp({min_exp} vs. {max_exp})" return exp_all[min_exp: max_exp + 1] return exp_all
[docs]def exp_include_filter(inc_spec: tp.Optional[str], target: tp.List, n_exps: int): """Calculate which experiments to include in a calculation for something. Take a input list of experiment numbers to include, and returns the sublist specified by the inc_spec (of the form [x:y]). inc_spec is an `absolute` specification; if a given performance measure excludes exp0 then that case is handled internally so that array/list shapes work out when generating graphs if this function is used consistently everywhere. """ if inc_spec is None: start = None end = None else: r = inc_spec.split(':') start = int(r[0]) if r[1] == '': end = len(target) else: end = int(r[1]) if len(target) < n_exps: # Handle perf measures which exclude exp0 by default start -= 1 return target[slice(start, end, None)]
def bivar_exp_labels_calc(exp_dirs: types.PathList) -> tp.Tuple[tp.List[str], tp.List[str]]: """ Calculate the labels for bivariant experiment graphs. """ # Because sets are used, if a sub-range of experiments are selected for # collation, the selected range has to be an even multiple of the # of # experiments in the second batch criteria, or inter-experiment graph # generation won't work (the final CSV is always an MxN grid). xlabels_set = set() ylabels_set = set() for e in exp_dirs: pair ='+') xlabels_set.add(pair[0]) ylabels_set.add(pair[1]) xlabels = sorted(list(xlabels_set)) ylabels = sorted(list(ylabels_set)) return (xlabels, ylabels)
[docs]def apply_to_expdef(var, exp_def: definition.XMLExpDef) -> tp.Tuple[tp.Optional[xml.TagRmList], tp.Optional[xml.TagAddList], tp.Optional[xml.AttrChangeSet]]: """ Apply a generated XML modifictions to an experiment definition. In this order: #. Remove existing XML tags #. Add new XML tags #. Change existing XML attributes """ rmsl = var.gen_tag_rmlist() # type: tp.List[xml.TagRmList] addsl = var.gen_tag_addlist() # type: tp.List[xml.TagAddList] chgsl = var.gen_attr_changelist() # type: tp.List[xml.AttrChangeSet] if rmsl: rms = rmsl[0] for r in rms: exp_def.tag_remove(r.path, r.tag) else: rms = None if addsl: adds = addsl[0] for a in adds: assert a.path is not None, "Can't add tag {a.tag} with no parent" exp_def.tag_add(a.path, a.tag, a.attr, a.allow_dup) else: adds = None if chgsl: chgs = chgsl[0] for c in chgs: exp_def.attr_change(c.path, c.attr, c.value) else: chgs = None return rms, adds, chgs
[docs]def pickle_modifications(adds: tp.Optional[xml.TagAddList], chgs: tp.Optional[xml.AttrChangeSet], path: pathlib.Path) -> None: """ After applying XML modifications, pickle changes for later retrieval. """ if adds is not None: adds.pickle(path) if chgs is not None: chgs.pickle(path)
[docs]def exp_template_path(cmdopts: types.Cmdopts, batch_input_root: pathlib.Path, dirname: str) -> pathlib.Path: """Calculate the path to the template input file in the batch experiment root. The file at this path will be Used as the de-facto template for generating per-run input files. """ template = pathlib.Path(cmdopts['template_input_file']) return batch_input_root / dirname / template.stem
[docs]def get_n_robots(main_config: types.YAMLDict, cmdopts: types.Cmdopts, exp_input_root: pathlib.Path, exp_def: definition.XMLExpDef) -> int: """ Get the # robots used for a specific :term:`Experiment`. """ module = pm.pipeline.get_plugin_module(cmdopts['platform']) # Get # robots to send to shell cmds generator. We try: # # 1. Getting it from the current experiment definition, which contains all # changes to the template input file EXCEPT those from batch criteria, # which have already been written and pickled at this point. # # 2. Getting it from the pickled experiment definition (i.e., from the # batch criteria which was used for this experiment). n_robots = module.population_size_from_def(exp_def, main_config, cmdopts) if n_robots <= 0: pkl_def = definition.unpickle(exp_input_root / config.kPickleLeaf) n_robots = module.population_size_from_pickle(pkl_def, main_config, cmdopts) assert n_robots > 0, "n_robots must be > 0" return n_robots
[docs]def df_fill(df: pd.DataFrame, policy: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Fill missing cells in a dataframe according to the specified fill policy. """ if policy == 'none': return df elif policy == 'pad': return df.fillna(method='pad') elif policy == 'zero': return df.fillna(value=0) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Bad fill policy {policy}")
@retry(OSError, tries=10, delay=0.100, backoff=1.1) # type:ignore def pickle_dump(obj: object, f: tp.IO) -> None: pickle.dump(obj, f) def gen_scenario_spec(cmdopts: types.Cmdopts, **kwargs) -> tp.Dict[str, tp.Any]: # scenario is passed in kwargs during stage 5 (can't be passed via # --scenario in general ) scenario = kwargs.get('scenario', cmdopts['scenario']) sgp = pm.module_load_tiered(project=cmdopts['project'], path='generators.scenario_generator_parser') kw = sgp.ScenarioGeneratorParser().to_dict(scenario) return kw def sphinx_ref(ref: str) -> str: try: # This is kind of a hack... if __sphinx_build_man__: # type: ignore parts = ref.split('.') stripped = parts[-1] return stripped[:-1] except NameError: pass return ref utf8open = functools.partial(open, encoding='UTF-8') """ Explictly specify that the type of file being opened is UTF-8, which is should be for almost everything in SIERRA. """ __api__ = [ 'ArenaExtent', 'Sigmoid', 'ReLu', 'dir_create_checked', 'path_exists', 'get_primary_axis', 'exp_range_calc', 'exp_include_filter', 'apply_to_expdef', 'pickle_modifications', 'exp_template_path', 'get_n_robots', 'df_fill', 'utf8open', ]